HP Officejet 590 All-in-One Printer User Manual

Page 124

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3/27/97 11:24 am

Final Version Given to Printer



HP Company Confidential

darkening and lightening 4-5, 4-7
quality 4-4, 4-7

error messages 7-8
from Document Assistant 2-5, 4-6
from keypad 2-4, 4-3
loading document for 4-3, 4-4
loading paper supply for 4-2
margins 8-4
overview 2-4, 2-5
resolution 8-4
specifications 8-4
speed 8-4
tests to ensure working properly 1-25

Cover Page Data dialog box 3-20

cover page, for fax 3-20


darkening your copies 4-5, 4-7


how to change 3-27

date, error messages 7-13

dedicated fax line, connecting instructions

with a external modem 1-11
with a PC-modem 1-10
with no other office equipment 1-10

device settings

Phone Answering 3-9
Reduce/Enlarge 4-7
Rings to Answer 3-9

dialing fax number

using Document Assistant 3-6

procedures 3-6
pulse or tone 3-19

using keypad 3-3

entering a pause 3-15
in real time 3-3
procedures 3-3
redialing 3-15
speed dialing 3-5
using calling or credit card 3-3

using phone connected to OfficeJet 3-4

dialog boxes

Copy 2-5, 4-6

Cover Page Data 3-20
Fax Send Time 3-20
Phone Book 3-20
Print Settings 6-5
Scan 2-6
Scan Settings 5-3
Send Fax 2-3, 3-6

display messages. See error messages

distinctive ring

how to use 3-23
in shared fax and phone line 1-22

Document Assistant

faxing paper documents from 2-2, 3-6

contrast settings 3-14
resolution settings 3-13
to group of fax numbers 3-18

for copying 2-5
scanning documents 2-6, 5-

using OCR 2-7, 5-7

document carrier

description of 3-2
for copying 4-3
for faxing 3-2
for scanning 5-2

document jam. See paper jam


adding scanned image to 5-5
copying 2-4

error messages 7-11, 7-12, 7-15
into document tray 3-8, 6-3–6-5

scanning 2-6, 5-2

document tray

capacity 8-4
illustration of 1-2
installing 1-3
loading paper into 3-8, 6-3–6-5
parts of 1-6


editing scanned documents 5-7

Scan text for editing setting (OCR) 2-7,
