HP OmniBook 5500 Notebook PC User Manual

Page 87

background image



data cards

inserting, 25
removing, 26

data storage status, 18
defragmenting disks, 49

appointments, 54
OmniBook files, 49
password, 47


cleaning up, 49
defragmenting, 49
repairing, 49


adjusting brightness and contrast, 9
external, 61, 62
problems, 83
turning off, 19
VGA, 62

Display (OmniBook Tools), 62

appointments, 51

docking port, 7
docking system

buttons, 74
docking OmniBook, 72
setup, 71
status lights, 74
undocking OmniBook, 73

drive A

booting from, 21
location, 22

drive C

defragmenting, 49
installing, 30
location, 22
removing, 29
removing files, 49
repairing, 49


connecting floppy, 23
drive C, location, 22
drive D, location, 22
drive E, location, 22
drive F, location, 22
floppy, 8
installing drive C, 30
not affected by low battery, 37
removing CD-ROM drive, 23
removing drive C, 29
removing floppy drive, 23
troubleshooting, 81


Enhanced (Control Panel), 29

events (Appointment Book), 53

Appointment Book, 54
Phone Book, 56

expansion slot, 27
external display

changing type, 62
connecting, 61
switching to and from, 63

external keyboard

adding, 64

external keys

enabling, 65

external mouse

adding, 64
and keyboard, 65



deleting OmniBook, 49
removing, 49
troubleshooting, 81

financial calculator

functions, 56
introduction to, 56
performing a function, 56
simple arithmetic, 57
starting application, 56


appointments, 51
names in Phone Book, 56

floppy drive, 8

booting from, 21
connecting externally, 23
drive A, 22
removing, 23
saving power, 41

FN keys

combination, 16
enabling external, 65

functions (Calculator), 56


getting help

about Windows, 16
finding more information, 5
online manual, 5


hard disk

conserving power, 41
installing, 30
location, 7
removing, 29

hardware handshaking, 66
headphones, 13