Ampro Corporation 486E User Manual

Page 106

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Little Board™/486e Technical Manual


Onboard Peripherals

This section describes standard peripherals found on every Little Board/486e CPU.


Four buffered serial ports with full handshaking:

Implemented with 16550-equivalent controllers with built-in 16-byte FIFO buffers

Onboard generation of ±9 Volts for RS-232C signal levels

Channel two supports either RS-232C (direct connection) or RS-485 Adapter

Logged as COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4 by DOS.


PC-compatible Parallel Port:

Superset of standard LPT printer port.

Bi-directional data lines


Floppy Disk Controller:

Supports one or two drives

Reliable digital phase-locked loop circuit

Supports all standard PC/AT formats: 360K, 1.2M, 720K, 1.44M


IDE Disk Controller:

Standard PC-compatible IDE hard disk controller

Supports up to two hard disk drives


PCI Flat Panel/CRT Video Controller

Supports CRT, LCD, and EL displays

Uses the C&T 65550 High Performance Flat Panel/CRT VGA Controller

Onboard display RAM 2M bytes standard

Video modes and resolutions, see Table 3–1 and 3–2

Supports interlaced or non-interlaced displays in up to 1280 x 1024 resolution modes

Supports 24-bit True Color at 800 x 600 VGA resolution

GUI accelerator for enhanced performance

Video BIOS supports VESA super VGA modes

Software programmable flat panel interface. Flat panel video BIOS contained in an onboard
Flash EPROM device for easy customization

Optional LCD Bias Supply. Circuit board plugs on to connector on the Little Board/486e CPU

Supplies 15 V < Vee < 30 V DC, positive or negative polarity, at 30 mA (max)

Voltage level (LCD contrast control) adjustable with an onboard or external potentiometer

Sequences LCD power supplies to protect display

Implements advanced power management functions