Team configuration properties – HP ProLiant Network Adapter Scripting Utility (User Guide) User Manual
Page 12

Configuration properties 12
the driver adjusts the adapter's interrupt setting to achieve that DPC rate. Changing this setting may
improve performance for some configurations.
EnablePME—Allows the use of power management and wake-up functions.
SmartPowerDown—Minimizes power consumption by enabling the adapter to enter a deep sleep
mode under certain conditions.
DefaultVlanId—Determines the VLAN ID used for any un-tagged packets received by the adapter. This
only applies to adapters that have VLANs defined.
DefaultVLANTag—This feature adds a VLAN tag to the Default/Native VLAN packet.
Team configuration properties
Team configuration properties that are configured on the target server include the following:
TeamName determines the unique identifier for the adapter team. Each team name on the target system
must be unique.
OpMode determines the operating mode of the team. Possible values are Auto, DynamicSingleSlb,
StaticSingleSlb, TransmitLoadBalancing, TLBwithPref, FailOnFault, and PrefPrimary.
LoadBalAlgorithm determines the team load balancing algorithm. Possible values are MACAddress,
IPAddress, TCPConnection, RoundRobin, and Auto.
TeamNetworkAddress establishes the MAC address for the adapter team. A null value is always written
to the XML data file because locally administered addresses must be unique. A null value is valid and
computes a default address. This value must be a valid unicast address if it is edited.
TxPathValidationMode enables or disables the packet signal transmitted between the teamed adapters.
RxPathValidationMode enables or disables the packet signal received between the teamed adapters.
TxPathValidationInterval determines how frequently the packet signals are transmitted. The range of
acceptable values is 3 to 60. Values less than 3 are set to 3, and values greater than 60 are set to 60.
RxPathValidationInterval determines how frequently the packet signals are received. The range of
acceptable values is 3 to 60. Values less than 3 are set to 3, and values greater than 60 are set to 60.
RxPathValidationVlanId determines the VLAN on which Receive Path Validation packet frames are
transmitted. This value is only written when a VLAN is defined for the team. The default is the VLAN on
the team with the lowest VLAN ID at the time the team is created.
DefaultVlanId determines the VLAN ID used for any un-tagged packets received by the team. This
property only applies to teams that have VLANs defined.
DefaultVLANTagging adds a VLAN tag to the Default/Native VLAN packet. DefaultVLANTagging is
supported on Windows Server 2008 systems only.
TOEEnabled enables the offloading of TCP connections to HP Multifunction Server Adapters. The
TOEEnabled property is only valid when all the team members support TOE. Possible values are
0=Disabled and 1=Enabled.
RSSEnabled enables dynamic load balancing of incoming traffic across CPUs. Possible values are
0=Disabled and 1=Enabled.
JumboPacket indicates the size in bytes of the largest supported Jumbo Packet (an Ethernet frame that
is greater than 1514 bytes) that the hardware can support.