LG C900 User Manual
Page 116

Safety Guidelines
T-Ratings: Phones rated T3 or T4 meet FCC
requirements and are likely to be more usable
with a hearing device’s telecoil (“T Switch” or
“Telephone Switch”) than unrated phones. T4 is
the better/higher of the two ratings. (Note that
not all hearing devices have telecoils in them.)
Hearing devices may also be measured for
immunity to this type of interference. Your
hearing device manufacturer or hearing health
professional may help you find results for your
hearing device. The more immune your hearing
aid is, the less likely you are to experience
interference noise from mobile phones.
To ensure that the Hearing Aid Compatibility
rating for your phone is maintained, secondary
transmitters such as Bluetooth
and WLAN
components must be disabled during a call.
See Page 67 for instructions to disable these