Sterlco SGBD Series Batch Gravimetric Blenders User Manual
Page 61

Chapter 4: Operation
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Recipe Entry Formats
The Batch blending system contains several operator friendly recipe menus. This section of
the manual lists these recipe menus:
• Recipe Page (Start/Setup)
• Recipe Book Page
• Recipe Format
Upon Start Up, the blender controller will default to the “Recipe” screen.
The “Recipe Book” screen can be accessed in the “Recipe Page” and is useful in storing and
retrieving recipes.
The Recipe format option can be accessed in the Setup screen and is used to select one of
three available formats: “EZ Recipe” Mode, Percentage Mode or Parts Mode. (“EZ Recipe”
mode is the default setting preset at the factory.)
Recipe Format Menu:
• “EZ Recipe”, Percentage or Parts
• Metering Order (Always make sure all 8 hoppers are entered)
• Batch Size (only use batch sizes appropriate for your blender, too small will cause
inaccurate blending)
• Inventory Shutdown (used to shut the blender down after making a certain amount)
• “Batch ready” mode (blender will hold a completed batch in the weigh hopper)
• Weigh every batch options (determines if every batch is weighed)
• Change recipe without Stopping (if set to “Stop Blender before Changing Recipe” then
the operator does not need to touch the “accept recipe” icon after editing the recipe).
The drawback is that the recipe cannot be changed on the fly.
The Recipe Format screen allows the user to change many parameters concerning the way
that the recipe is entered by the operator. It is accessed by touching the manufacturer’s icon
on either the Recipe screen or the Inventory Screen. The user must enter in the User
Password to gain access (see User Password Setup for details.). The following Recipe
Modes are described on the next few pages.