Sterlco SGBD Series Batch Gravimetric Blenders User Manual

Page 58

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Chapter 4: Operation

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Recipe Book

The blender comes standard with a built in recipe book that holds 100 recipes. These recipes
are stored and synchronized with the displays CompactFlash card. You can remove the card
and open the recipes.csv file using Excel. This file has a header row that explains each field.
You can edit the entire recipe book from your computer and then return this CompactFlash to
your blender to synchronize it with the blender’s recipe book. The card must then remain
installed. This would allow you to copy the same recipe books to all of your blenders. It is
also possible to simply edit the stored recipes from the recipe book on each blender. If you
have purchased the USB Jump Drive option then you can place the recipes.csv file you have
modified onto any USB Jump Drive. Then that drive can be inserted into each blender and
the recipe book on each blender will automatically be updated. This is the easiest way to
perform a mass edit of all your blender’s recipe book.


EZ Mode

Regrind hopper cannot be over 100%.
Multiple Virgin hoppers must total 100%.

Percentage Mode

Recipe Total must add to 100%.

Parts Mode

All entries are valid.

Touch here to bring
up the Recipe Book

Modify any recipe
value in the stored

Touch here to close
the Recipe Book
without loading a
selected recipe

Load the selected
recipe into the

Touch arrows to
recipe number. You
can also enter in the
recipe number if you
know it.

If you’ve modified a
recipe the SAVE icon
will appear. Touch to
save changes before
leaving the recipe