NORD Drivesystems TI059_19140990 User Manual
Technical information, Technical characteristics, Field of application

Technical Information
Electronic Brake Rectifier SK EBGR-1
Part No. 19140990
Technical characteristics:
Temperature range
0°C … 40°C (75°C)*
Temperature class
Class 3K3
Protection class
Vibrartion resistance
* Temperature > 40°C: Note derating
Field of application:
Control of electro-mechanical brakes with a coil voltage of 180V DC and 205VDC with sizes 5Nm to 250Nm by means of
frequency inverters or their accessories(IO-extension) with digital output, incl. monitoring of brake coil current.
Only series SK 500E frequency inverters after year of manufacture 2008 (from Serial ID: 01 I …
01= Calendar
week, I=Calendar year (A= 2000 … I = 2008 …)) may be combined with the SK EBGR-1!
Technical parameters:
Power supply, bridge rectification
100…275V AC± 10%
Power supply, half-wave rectification
380…500V AC± 10%
Output voltage of bridge rectifier*
0.9 * UAC
Output voltage of half-wave rectifier*
0.45 * UAC
Rated current up to 40°C
0.7 A
Rated current up to 75°C
0.5 A
Suppression level
24V control voltage
24VDC ± 25%, 50mA ... 500mA**
Digital input (current consumption)
At 30V DC: 13mA, at 24VDC: 10mA, at 15V DC: 5.5mA
Digital input (switching threshold)
On: approx. 8.5 V, Off: approx. 7.5V
Digital output (Output of current status of the mechanical brake)
15 .. 30 VDC, 200mA, SPS-compatible as per EN61131-2,
0V / <30mA
(no current through brake coil),
24V / >70mA
(current through brake coil),
Permissible cycle time (1 switching cycle = 1 x ON/OFF)
Brake: 5 … 60Nm:
≥ 0.5s,
Brake: 100Nm / 150Nm: ≥ 2.0s,
Brake: 250Nm (180V) ≥ 6.0s,
Brake: 250Nm (205V): ≥ 4.0s
Recommended release/application time for brake (FI parameter (P107))
Brake: BRE5, BRE10, BRE40:
Brake: BRE20, BRE60, BRE100, BRE150:
* not short-circuit proof, ** according to load on the digital output
Schematic circuit diagram, - electrical
(Example of terminal designations for frequency
inverter SK 200E)
NOTE: The SK EBGR‐1 can be supplied by the
frequency inverter or a separate power