Milestone Analytics 2.2 BOSCH VCA User Manual
Page 30

Milestone XProtect Analytics 2.2 – BOSCH VCA; Administrator’s Manual
Page 30
Event Mapping Tool
Repeat if you want other analytics detections to trigger other surveillance system events.
4. Open the XProtect Analytics Administrator application and restart the server service by
clicking the Restart Server button in the Administrator application’s toolbar.
Tip: If mapping events to XProtect Corporate user-defined events, metadata containing the ID of
the camera behind the analytics event will be included in the mapping. This means, that it will be
possible to make XProtect Corporate start recording on the camera.
Mapping Analytics Detections with Generic Events
and/or Additional Hosts
Use this method to trigger generic events if connected to XProtect Professional or XProtect
Enterprise systems. You cannot trigger generic events if connected to XProtect Corporate systems.
This method can also be used for sending data about analytics detections to additional hosts, such
as the Event Proxy Tool which lets you combine analytics detections in order to present them as
one combined detection to users in the Smart Client. Read more in step 5 in the following.
1. In the expandable list in the left side of the Event Mapping Tool, select the required
analytics detection.
Depending on your type of analytics, the required analytics
detection may be a rule (such as the detection of a person
crossing a line, an illegally parked vehicle, a left object, etc.)
or a list (used in, for example, license plate recognition
where particular license plates may be on positive or
negative lists).
In the example, we have selected the Motion detection rule.
2. In the Generic Events section’s Available events list, either
Select Send alert text as event. This will send the entire analytics detection alert
text in the data packet which the surveillance server will analyze in order to trigger
the generic event. If using this option, you must be sure that the alert text contains
the data matching the requirements of the generic event configuration on the
surveillance server.
- or -
Use the Event text field to type the phrases or numbers required to trigger the
generic event. If more than phrase or number can be used for triggering the
generic event, type them on separate lines (press your
keyboard’s ENTER key for a new line). Example:
3. In the Server generic event port field, specify the port number on which the surveillance
server listens for generic event data. By default the port number is 1234. However, if the
port number has been changed on the surveillance server, make sure you match the
change in the Event Mapping Tool.
To verify which port is used for generic events on the surveillance server, open the
surveillance server’s Administrator application, click the I/O Setup button, then the
Advanced... button, and look for the port number in the Alert Port field.