Xprotect transact – Milestone Analytics 2.2 BOSCH VCA User Manual
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Milestone XProtect Analytics 2.2 – BOSCH VCA; Administrator’s Manual
Page 11
Server-Side Installation
this purpose, the user account in question most have a role with full access rights to all
cameras used in connection with the analytics solution.
XProtect Transact
An add-on component used with the main surveillance system, XProtect Transact is normally used
for integrating data streams from cash registers, ATMs, etc. with time-linked video. XProtect
Transact is, however, extremely good at handling data streams from other sources as well, and is
thus ideal for integrating analytics data into your surveillance system. XProtect Transact should be
installed on the same computer as XProtect Enterprise, XProtect Professional or XProtect
Corporate’s Management Server.
XProtect Transact version 2.5c or later is required for integration with XProtect Analytics.
If you require information about how to install XProtect Transact, refer to the XProtect Transact
Administrator’s Manual available on the XProtect Transact software DVD as well as from
www.milestonesys.com. When XProtect Transact is installed, do the following:
Configure XProtect Transact for use with your analytics solution: You basically need to
make XProtect Transact aware that a new type of data—analytics data—is going to be used. You do
this by adding a so-called source:
Open the Transact Administrator application, select the Sources tab, and click its Add
New... button.
The New Source window opens.
In the Source name field, type a descriptive name for your type of analytics data.
In the Source providers list, select Analytics Transact Provider.
Then click OK.