Kaman Extreme Environment Sensors User Manual
Page 6

High Temperature Displacement System
The electronics type may be either 7200, 8200, or 8200HT type electronics for the
KD-1925, but the KD-1950 and KD-1975 systems are only available in the 8200HT
version. The main difference is the frequency of operation which may vary depending
on the application. The standard operating frequencies are listed in appendix B for
each sensor.
The output voltages are per the table in appendix A unless otherwise specified. The
pinout of a measuring channel for the 8200 and 8200HT electronics are as shown in
figure 2. The pinout for the 7200 system (1925 only) is shown in figure 3. Recording
or measuring instruments (such as voltmeters, recorders, or oscilloscopes) should
have ranges consistent with the maximum output voltage listed for the sensor in
appendix A (unless otherwise specified) and an impedance of at least 150 ohms.
Approximately 1 hour should be allowed for stabilization of the electronics.