Kaman Extreme Environment Sensors User Manual
Page 4

High Temperature Displacement System
Kaman Instrumentation
High Temperature Displacement System
User Manual
The Kaman Instrumentation line of High Temperature Displacement Transducers are
designed to provide accurate non-contacting measurement of conductive surface
motion in hostile environments. Output is directly proportional to displacement
yielding a linear transfer function for the specific target used in calibration. Use at
elevated temperatures is facilitated by thermal compensation techniques that
maintain sensitivity and linearity with small zero shifts.
The Eurocard packaging format common to other Kaman transducers allows for rack
mounting in either a full subrack or a half rack instrumentation case. Function
modules such as Summation/Comparator and Voltage to Current conversion (4-20
mA) are also available in the Eurocard format.
This manual is provided to help the user obtain optimum performance with this
displacement measuring system. Basic information necessary for installation and
operation are provided. The staff at Kaman Instrumentation is available for
consultation on specific applications or aspects not covered here.
The system consists of precision instrumentation and it must be handled with
equivalent precision. It is strongly recommended that this complete manual be
studied prior to adjusting or operating the system in any manner. For further
information on the electronics packaging, manuals on the 7200 and 8200 systems
may be of further assistance depending on the application.