Kaman Extreme Environment Sensors User Manual
Page 17

High Temperature Displacement System
The sensor is an irreversibly sealed unit and consequently routine maintenance is
limited to care and cleaning. The case will appear as oxidized metal due to the
operational temperature. The front of the sensor may appear darker than the rest of
the case due to the higher temperatures it encountered during fabrication. Any
foreign matter other than these oxides should be removed. The following steps
should be used as a guide:
The outside of the sensor and sheathed cabling can be wiped clean
with a suitable solvent and blown dry using a mild air blast.
Protect the flange from scratches or flaws that may impair its
mounting and sealing function.
Cable connections are subject to contamination under repeated
use. These should be inspected for foreign matter on the contacts
and cleaned with an electronic contact cleaner as required.
Alterations of cable lengths for repair may in turn alter the
calibration of the system and thus require factory compensation if
minor adjustments do not restore performance.
Maintenance of the signal conditioning electronic is limited to
periodically cleaning the contacts with electronic contact cleaner.