Overview, Genesis ii, maxim iii, maxim 1010, and conv-e, Ig01, ig03, ig04, and iws01 – Innotech Device Communications User Manual

Page 18: Connecting to a lan with dhcp server, Connecting directly to a computer

Overview, Genesis ii, maxim iii, maxim 1010, and conv-e, Ig01, ig03, ig04, and iws01 | Connecting to a lan with dhcp server, Connecting directly to a computer | Innotech Device Communications User Manual | Page 18 / 42 Overview, Genesis ii, maxim iii, maxim 1010, and conv-e, Ig01, ig03, ig04, and iws01 | Connecting to a lan with dhcp server, Connecting directly to a computer | Innotech Device Communications User Manual | Page 18 / 42