Dwyer 2800 User Manual
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The Series 2800 transducer is a force balance device in which the piezo
actuator is positioned in relation to a nozzle as the input signal is varied.
The application of an electrical signal causes axial movement of the
actuator. The actuator moves toward the nozzle and creates back
pressure which acts as a pilot pressure to an integral booster relay.
Each Series 2800 comes with a mounting kit which enables, panel or
wall mounting of the unit. Optional mounting kits are available for DIN-
rail, pipe, or valve mounting. The 2800 may be mounted at any angle.
Panel: With access to rear of panel, attach transducer to panel using two
10-32 screws and the two threaded mounting holes on the back of the
unit. With no access to the rear of a panel, attach bracket to transducer
using two 10-32 holes on the back of the unit and mount bracket to panel
using four 10-32 screws.
Inline: The Series 2800 has been designed to mount inline to a standard
valve yoke with the A-180 valve mounting kit.
The A-182 pipe mounting kit includes the bracket, U-bolt, and nuts
needed to mount the transducer to a 1-1/2˝ pipe. Just attach the bracket
to the transducer using the two 10-32 holes on the back of the unit. Then,
place the U-bolt around the pipe and through the bracket. Finally, place
the nuts on the U-bolt and tighten.
Pneumatic Connections
Clean all pipe lines to remove dirt and scale before installation. Supply
air must be filtered to 40 microns and free of moisture and lubricants.
Two 1/4˝ NPT ports are provided for supply air connections. Either port
may be used. The unused port must be plugged with the pipe plug
included with the unit.
Two 1/4˝ NPT ports are provided for pneumatic output connections.
Either port may be used and one may be used for the mounting of an
output gage. If no gage is installed, the unused port must be plugged
with the pipe plug included with the unit. Avoid getting pipe sealant inside
the piping or transducer.
Electrical Connections
Electrical connections are made to the red (+) and black (-) leads. The
green lead is furnished for case ground (see figure 1).
Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) Intrinsically Safe
Ratings: IS / I, II, III / 1 / CDEFG / T4 Ta = 70°C - 431-990-023; Entity;
Type 4X NI/1/2/ABCD; S/II, III/2/FG/T4 Ta = 70°C; Type 4X. Entity
Parameters: Ui (Vmax)=30V, Li (lmax) = 125 mA, Pi = 0.70 W, Ci = 0
µF, Li= 0 mH
Equipment Ratings:
Intrinsically safe for Class I, II, and III, Division 1, Groups C, D, E, F, and
G hazardous (classified) locations and intrinsically safe for Class I, Zone
0, Group IIB hazardous (classified) locations and suitable for Class I, II,
and III, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, F, and G.
CSA Intrinsically Safe Ratings:
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D; Class II, Division 2, Groups F,
and G; Class III. Rated 7 to 30 VDC, 4 to 20 mA; Temperature Code T4;
Maximum Ambient 70°C.
Ex ia IIB (Class I, Zone 0, Group IIB); Temperature Code T4; Intrinsically
safe with the following entity Parameters when installed as per drawing
531-990-044; Ui = 30 V, li = 125 mA, Pi = 0.70 W, Ci = 0 µF, Li = 0 mH.
All units are shipped from the factory calibrated, direct acting. If the user
requires a different mode of operation (i.e. reverse acting, split range) it
is necessary to reposition internal electrical switches as indicated in the
following sections. Though the units are factory calibrated for direct
acting it is suggested that the user check the calibration. It is not
necessary to remove the cover of the unit for calibration if the direct
acting mode is desired.
Direct Acting Calibration
In direct acting operation the unit is calibrated so that minimum input
signal corresponds to minimum output pressure and increasing input
signal results in increasing output pressure. Apply the minimum input
signal of the range being used (e.g. 4mA) (see figure 2). Observe the
output pressure. If necessary, adjust the zero screw until reaching
minimum output pressure setting. Turn zero screw clockwise to
decrease and counter-clockwise to increase.
Apply the maximum input signal of the range being used (e.g. 20 mA).
Observe the output pressure. If necessary, adjust the span screw until
reaching maximum output pressure setting. Turn span screw clockwise
to decrease and counter-clockwise to increase. After setting the span it
will be necessary to recheck the zero. Repeat steps 1-4 until both end
points are at required values.
Figure 1
I/P Conduit Connection
Figure 2
Zero Adjustment and Span Adjustment
Figure 3
Direct Acting - Position of switches for forward acting operation. Standard
setting as supplied by factory.
4-20 mA
The I/P transducer enclosure contains aluminum and is
considered to constitute a potential risk of ignition by impact or
friction and must be taken into account during installation.