Pressure, Is our business – Crystal DTG User Manual
Page 6

PN: 2646 REV B, 8/2002
Firmware Release 1.05
Page 6 of 8
SI (metric) Versions
“SI” is the French acronym for the International System of Units. DTGs with “KPA” in the part
number are intended for markets where
only SI units are permitted. Therefore, these models
only have kpa, Bar and/or mBar available.
20 to 100% of Full Scale: ± 0.1% of reading
0 to 20% of Full Scale: ± 0.02% of Full Scale
*0 to -14.5 PSIG: ±2% of Full Scale (where F.S. = 14.5 PSI)
Note: Accuracy specifications are for one year, and include all effects of linearity, hysteresis,
repeatability, and temperature within the specified operating temperature range. The gauge
must be exercised and re-zeroed whenever exposed to significant changes in environmental
conditions to achieve these specifications. To exercise the gauge, cycle the gauge between zero
and the pressure of interest. A properly exercised gauge will return to a perfect zero reading.
Exposure to environmental extremes of temperature, shock and/or vibration may warrant a more
frequent recertification period.
*Not specified for 2000 PSI (7000 kpa) models and higher, though all models can be safely
connected to vacuum.
Operating & Compensated Range:
-10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F)
Storage Range:
-20°C to +70°C (-4°F to +158°F)
Temperature Range
-10 to 10°C ............................. Uncontrolled
10 to 30°C ............................... 0 to 95% Relative
30 to 40°C ............................... 0 to 75% Relative
40 to 50°C ............................... 0 to 45% Relative
Media Compatibility
Liquids and gases compatible 316 Stainless Steel
Pressure Conversions
1 PSI =
27.6806 inches of water column (water at 4°C [39.2°F])
2.03602 inches of mercury (mercury at 0°C [32°F])
6.8948 kilopascals
51.7149 millimeters of mercury (mercury at 0°C [32°F])
703.087 millimeters of water column (water at 4°C [39.2°F])
0.068948 bar
68.948 millibar
0.070307 kilograms per square centimeter
Note: Other conversions may have been specified at time of order. Refer to your certificate of
calibration for details.