Badger Meter E-Series Ultrasonic Meters User Manual

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E-Series and ORION are registered trademarks of Badger Meter, Inc. Other trademarks appearing in this document are the property of their respective entities.

Due to continuous research, product improvements and enhancements, Badger Meter reserves the right to change product or system specifications without notice, except to the extent an outstanding

contractual obligation exists. © 2013 Badger Meter, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Americas | Badger Meter | 4545 West Brown Deer Rd | PO Box 245036 | Milwaukee, WI 53224-9536 | 800-876-3837 | 414-355-0400

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To prepare for meter installation, follow these steps:

1. Close the meter’s inlet-side valve.

2. Open a faucet and wait until water flow stops, to depressurize

the system. Do not remove the meter until the flow stops.

3. Check valves and make necessary repairs to the curb (shut-off )

valve or inlet side valve if necessary.

4. Close the meter’s outlet-side valve. Protect the floor below the

meter against potential spills or leaks that could occur. Protect

the coupling area from debris, so that the new meter will not be

damaged or contaminated.

5. To replace an existing meter continue with Step 6. To install a

new meter skip to Step 8.

6. Depending on meter size, loosen meter couplings/flange

connection bolts and remove the meter and the old gaskets.

7. Clean the coupling nuts/flanged ends removing any pipe dope

or dirt from the meter ends.

8. Check the existing setting for proper alignment and spacing.

Correct any misalignment and spacing in the setting.

9. Place the new connection gaskets inside the connection.

10. Set the meter in the pipeline so that the flow arrow on the meter

housing points in the direction of flow.

11. With the meter and gaskets in place, tighten the coupling

nuts/flange connection bolts. Verify that the nuts are properly

aligned to avoid damage to the meter ends.



The E-Series Ultrasonic meter is a highly accurate electronic

meter that operates on an entirely different principle than a

positive displacement meter due to the fact that it has no moving

parts. Since the meter testing outcome is based on accurate

measurement of the velocity of water through the meter, any water

turbulence and pressure fluctuations that occur during the short

testing intervals can affect the results. Pipeline valves, fittings or

impediments installed too close can cause flow disturbances and

could affect the accuracy results.
• Reference meters should be installed downstream of the

Ultrasonic meter.

• For the 1-1/2" and 2" meters, provide 5 to 10 diameters of straight

pipe upstream of the meter to improve accuracy.

• System should be purged of air and the meter completely filled

with water. To do this, run at least 100 gallons of water through

the system at maximum flow.

• Start the meter test at the high flow first and then continue with

the lower flows. This will help ensure all air is purged through

the meter.

• For the 5/8" to 1" meters, run at least a volume of 100 gallons

at the high, mid and low flows. Run at least 10 gallons at the

extended low flow rate.

• For the 1-1/2" and 2" meters, run at least 40 gallons for the

low and mid-flow tests. Run at least 500 gallons for the high

flow tests.

• The greater the volume of water measured or the longer the test

is run, the more accurate the meter test measurement will be.



Ultrasonic signals are sent at a fixed time interval (also called

sampling rate) to conserve battery life. Very high meter accuracies

can be observed in the normal mode of operation, however at the

expense of higher test volumes and longer test times. Because

of this flow sampling technique, special testing methodology in

a meter shop can be performed by temporarily increasing the

sampling rate to observe the high accuracy performance at

ultra-low flows in a reasonable test time. For more information

on the high resolution test mode, refer to the Application Brief,

available online at


For more detailed information on the Ultrasonic meter, refer to the

Installation and Operation manuals, available online at
