Amerex 05606 User Manual
Page 7

[NFPA-10] Every 6 years, stored pressure extinguishers that require a 12 year hydrostatic test
shall be emptied and subjected to the applicable maintenance procedures. When the applicable
maintenance procedures are performed during periodic recharging or hydrostatic testing, the
six year requirement shall begin from that date.
a. Before attempting to devalve the extinguisher for Maintenance, Hydrotest or
Recharging be sure that it is completely depressurized. Halon 1211 generates a
vapor pressure of 22 psi @ 70°F. NEVER VENT TO THE ATMOSPHERE. Recover
agent and vapor according to the instructions below.
b. Never have any part of your body over the extinguisher while removing the
valve assembly.
c. Halon 1211 should not be mixed with even the slightest amount of moisture.
Prolonged exposure of a devalved cylinder to ambient air should be avoided to
prevent moisture contamination and cylinder rusting.
Complete items 1 through 9 in Maintenance Procedure above.
Attach the appropriate recharge adapter to the extinguisher operating valve on the extinguisher
cylinder. Empty the extinguisher of all pressure and Halon 1211 using a listed Halon
Recharge/Recovery system and a bulk Halon supply cylinder with sufficient empty capacity to
accept the contents of the extinguisher.
Every effort should be made to halt unnecessary escape of Halon 1211 to the
atmosphere to prevent detrimental environmental effect. High Efficiency Halon
1211 Recharge/Recovery (vacuum pump type) systems (UL Standard 2006) are
commercially available. The Getz HR-1 (UL Approved) unit assures a minimum of
99% recovery efficiency. It allows a means of checking for and removing moisture
or contamination during the recovery process.
When extinguisher is empty of all agent and pressure, remove valve assembly and disassemble by
removing downtube, spring and valve stem assembly. Discard valve stem assembly and collar
Thoroughly clean all parts of the disassembled valve with a soft bristle brush or soft cloth. Blow
the valve out with dry nitrogen.
Install a NEW Amerex valve stem assembly after lightly lubricating the valve stem o-ring with V-711
or equivalent (do not lubricate the valve stem seal). Reassemble the spring and downtube.
Carefully install a NEW collar o-ring which has been lightly lubricated with V-711 or equivalent. Set
the valve assembly aside.
Inspect the cylinder interior following CGA Visual Inspection Standard C-6. If a hydrotest has been
performed or any moisture is evident, the cylinder should be immediately warm air dried.
Clean the o-ring seating groove in the cylinder neck. If any rust is evident, remove by using a fine
emery cloth (200 grit).
Clean the surface and lubricate the entire sealing area with a thin film of V-
711 or equivalent. Install the valve assembly in extinguisher cylinder. Hand tighten firmly.
Use the Getz HR-1 system to purge the residual air from the extinguisher cylinder.