About airedale products & customer services – Airedale Air Cooled Condensers R407C User Manual

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Installation and Maintenance Manual: 6259642 V1.2.0 02/2013


About Airedale Products & Customer Services


As standard, Airedale guarantees all non consumable parts only for a period of 12 months,
variations tailored to suit product and application are also available; please contact Airedale for full
terms and details.

To further protect your investment in Airedale products, we have introduced Airedale Service, who
can provide full commissioning services, comprehensive maintenance packages and service cover
24 hours a day, 365 days a year (UK mainland). For a free quotation contact our Airedale Service or
your local Sales Engineer.

All Airedale products are designed in accordance with EU Directives regarding prevention of build up
of water, associated with the risk of contaminants such as Legionella.

Where applicable, effective removal of condensate is achieved by gradient drainage to outlets and
where used, humidification systems produce sterile, non-toxic steam during normal operation.

For effective prevention of such risk it is necessary that the equipment is maintained in accordance
with Airedale recommendations.


Warranty cover is not a substitute for Maintenance. Warranty cover is conditional to
maintenance being carried out in accordance with the recommendations provided during the
warranty period. Failure to have the maintenance procedures carried out will invalidate the
warranty and any liabilities by Airedale International Air Conditioning Ltd.


A spares list for 1, 3 and 5 years will be supplied with every unit and is also available from our
Spares department on request.


As well as our comprehensive range of products, Airedale offers a modular range of Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning Training courses, for further information please contact Airedale.


For further assistance, please e-mail:

[email protected]

or telephone:

Custom er Services

UK Sales Enquiries

+ 44 (0) 113 238 7789

[email protected]

International Enquiries

+ 44 (0) 113 239 1000

[email protected]

Spares Hot Line

+ 44 (0) 113 238 7878

[email protected]

Airedale Service

+ 44 (0) 113 239 1000

[email protected]

Technical Support

+ 44 (0) 113 239 1000

[email protected]

Training Enquiries

+ 44 (0) 113 239 1000

[email protected]

For information, visit us at our Web Site:

Legal Noti ces

AIAC Ltd endeavours to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated, but
none of the statements are to be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. AIAC Ltd does
not accept liability for any error or omission, or for any reliance placed on the information contained
in this document.

The development of Airedale products and services is continuous and the information in this
document may not be up to date. It is important to check the current position with AIAC Ltd at the
address stated. This document is not part of a contract or licence unless expressly agreed.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for
any purpose other than the purchaser

’s personal use, without the express written permission of


2013 Airedale International Air Conditioning Limited. All rights reserved. Printed in the UK.