Chillers optichill, Installation data – Airedale OptiChill FreeCool 500kW - 1365kW User Manual
Page 25

Installation & Maintenance : 6564868 02/2013
Installation Data
The recommended requirements to allow commissioning to be carried out correctly are:
The inclusion of Binder Points adjacent to the flow and return connections, to allow
temperature and pressure readings
A flow switch or equivalent, fitted adjacent to the water outlet side of the unit Chiller
A 20 mesh strainer fitted prior to the evaporator inlet
A water-flow commissioning valve set fitted to the system
In multiple chiller installations, 1 commissioning valve set is required per chiller
Isolating valves should be installed adjacent to all major items of equipment for ease
of maintenance
Balancing valves can be installed if required to aid correct system balancing
All chilled water pipework must be insulated and vapour sealed to
avoid condensation
If several units are installed in parallel adjacent to each other, reverse return should
be applied to avoid unnecessary balancing valves
Pump Statement
When installing circulating water pumps or equipment containing them, the following rules
should be applied:
Ensure the system is filled with liquid then vented and the pump primed with water
before running the pump, this is required because the pumped liquid cools the pump
bearings and mechanical seal faces
To avoid cavitation the NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) incorporating a safety
margin of 0.5m head must be available at the pump inlet during operation
Interlocks & Protection
Always electrically interlock the operation of the chiller with the pump controls and flow
proving device for safety reasons.
Failure to install safety devices will invalidate the chiller warranty.
Do not rely solely on the BMS to protect the chiller against low flow conditions.
An evaporator pump interlock and flow proving device MUST be directly wired to
the chiller, refer to
Pressure Testing
When all the pipework has been connected in the system, proceed as follows:
Ensure all shut off and control valves are fully open
Pressurise system to the operating pressure, hold for 1 hour (a gradual fall in
pressure shown on the gauge indicates a leak)
Leaks should be found and repaired and the unit pressure tested for a further hour
When the pressure remains at the operating pressure for 1 hour, the system can be
considered leak free.
Although a pressure of 1.5 x working pressure is adequate for testing purposes,
most local water authorities require 2 x working pressure.
Record on commissioning sheet provided once completed.
The whole system MUST be flushed prior to filling to remove debris left in the water
pipework by using a flushing bypass as shown to avoid serious damage to the
plate evaporator.
During filling the system should be vented at all high points
Once the system has been completely vented all vents should be closed
To prevent air locking in the system it is advisable to fill the systems from the lowest
point, ie drain point on pipework
If auto air vents are used then we strongly recommend an auto pressurisation unit be
fitted to the system