Introduction, Introduction 7, Precision air conditioning easicool™ ezre – Airedale EasiCool 6kW 64kW User Manual
Page 7

EasiCool EZRE Operational Manual 7610207 V1.0.0_02_2013
Precision Air Conditioning
EasiCool™ EZRE
The EasiCool EZRE range of direct expansion and chilled water precision air conditioning units have been specifically
designed for today’s modern working environment.
The present day demands for efficient operation of computer rooms, telecommunication centres, operating theatres,
laboratories and clean rooms, which utilise stand-alone or multiple in room air handling units, require a high degree of
control flexibility.
The Airedale design philosophy has taken this fully into account offering an adaptable control system, utilising an
microprocessor controller taking full advantage of the latest state of the art technology.
The control system comprises 2 main parts, the controller and the display keypad.
The controller offers powerful analogue and digital control to meet a wide range of monitoring and control features. The
display keypad is used for viewing the unit operating status and making adjustments to control parameters by allowing
the operator access to a series of display pages.
Visual alarm acknowledgement and the facility to adjust and display control settings are available at the display keypad
for local operator information and control.
The microprocessor controller is supplied pre-programmed whilst allowing the control parameters to be individually set
to suit the customer’s requirements.