Alarm codes, Easicool™ ezre precision air conditioning – Airedale EasiCool 6kW 64kW User Manual
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EasiCool EZRE Operational Manual 7610207 V1.0.0_02_2013
EasiCool™ EZRE
Precision Air Conditioning
Alarm Codes
Alarm 1: Airflow Failure
This alarm indicates that the airflow switch has not detected any airflow for 60 seconds when the main fan has been
switched on. This alarm is manual reset and can be cleared by referring to resetting the Alarm.
Alarm 2: Critical Alarm
This alarm indicates that a critical alarm has occurred and the unit has shutdown. This alarm is manual reset and can be
cleared by referring to resetting the Alarm.
Alarm 3: Overheat Cut-out
This alarm indicates that the auto overheat cut-out(s) has tripped and has switched off all stages of electric heating. This
alarm is auto reset within the controller.
Alarm 4: Low Pressure
This alarm indicates that the low pressure safety switch has tripped and the controller has switched off DX cooling. This
alarm is manual reset and can be cleared by referring to resetting the Alarm..
Alarm 5: Condensing Unit Trip
This alarm indicates that the condensing unit has tripped. During this alarm the controller will switch off DX cooling. This
alarm is manual reset and can be cleared by referring to resetting the Alarm.
Alarm 6: Compressor 1 Trip
This alarm indicates that compressor 1 contactor did not close within 5 seconds of the compressor 1 output switching
on. This alarm can be triggered by either one or more of the following conditions; high pressure safety switch, discharge
gas thermostat or thermal cut-out protection. This alarm is manual reset and can be cleared by referring to resetting the
Alarm 7: Compressor 2 Trip
This alarm indicates that compressor 1 contactor did not close within 5 seconds of the compressor 1 output switching
on. This alarm can be triggered by either one or more of the following conditions; high pressure safety switch, discharge
gas thermostat or thermal cut-out protection. This alarm is manual reset and can be cleared by referring to resetting the
Alarm 8: Filter Change
This alarm is generated after the main fan has operated for 1500 hours and indicates the air filters should be cleaned or
replaced. This alarm is manual reset and be cleared after filter maintenance by referring to resetting the Alarm.
Alarm 9: Return Humidity Fault
This alarm indicates that the return air humidity sensor is not operating correctly. During this alarm the controller
disables all humidification and dehumidification outputs. When the sensor is operating normally the alarm will auto reset
and the controller will enable humidification and dehumidification.
Alarm 10: Condensing Pressure Fault
This alarm indicates that condensing pressure sensor is not operating correctly. During this alarm the controller will
operate the condenser fan at full speed. When the sensor is operating normally the alarm will auto reset and the
controller will resume normal head pressure control.
Alarm 11: Return Temperature Fault
This alarm indicates that the return air temperature sensor is not operating correctly. During this alarm the controller
disables all heating and cooling outputs. When the sensor is operating normally the alarm will auto reset and the
controller will enable heating and cooling.
Alarm 12: Coil Temperature Fault
This alarm indicates that the coil temperature sensor is not operating correctly. When the sensor is operating normally
the alarm will auto reset.
Alarm 13: High Return Temperature
This alarm indicates that the return air temperature has exceeded the return air temperature high limit. To prevent
nuisance alarms on initial fan start-up, the alarm is delayed for 2 minutes. When the return air temperature is below the
high limit the alarm is auto reset within the controller.