Precision air conditioning easicool™ezre – Airedale EasiCool 6kW 64kW User Manual
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EasiCool EZRE Operational Manual 7610207 V1.0.0_02_2013
Precision Air Conditioning
Alarm 39: Battery Error Driver
This alarm indicates that the battery is not recharging correctly or storing electrical charge. This alarm is manual reset
and can be cleared by referring to resetting the Alarm..
Alarm 40: MOP Alarm Driver
This alarm indicates that the evaporating temperature has exceeded the MOP limit. During the alarm the electronic
expansion valve driver modulates the valve closed to reduce the operating pressure, still maintaining the super heat.
This alarm is auto reset.
Alarm 41: LOP Alarm Driver
This alarm indicates that the evaporating temperature has exceed the LOP limit. During the alarm the electronic
expansion valve driver modulates the valve open to increase the operating pressure, still maintaining the super heat.
This alarm is auto reset.
Alarm 42: Low Super Heat Alarm Driver
This alarm indicates that the super heat has exceeded the low super heat limit. During the alarm compressor 1 is
switched off. This alarm is manual reset and can be cleared by referring to resetting the Alarm.
Alarm 43: High Suction Temperature Alarm Driver
This alarm indicates that the suction temperature sensor has exceeded the high suction temperature limit. This alarm is
manual reset and can be cleared by referring to resetting the Alarm.
Alarm 44: Valve Not Closed Driver
This alarm indicates that the electronic expansion valve was not closed when the power was restored. During this
alarm compressor 1 is switched until the alarm is reset. This alarm is manual reset and can be cleared by referring to
Resetting the Alarm.
Alarm 45: Supply Air Temperature Sensor Fault
This alarm indicates that the supply air temperature sensor is not operating correctly. During this alarm the controller will
disable supply air limiting, if enabled. When the sensor is operating normally the alarm will auto will resume reset and
the controller supply air limiting, if enabled.
Alarm 45: High Supply Air Temperature Alarm
This alarm indicates that the supply air temperature has exceeded the supply air temperature high limit. To prevent
nuisance alarms on initial fan start-up, the alarm is delayed for 2 minutes. When the supply air temperature is below the
high limit the alarm is auto reset within the controller.
Alarm 46: Low Supply Air Temperature Alarm
This alarm indicates that the supply air temperature has exceeded the supply air temperature low limit. To prevent
nuisance alarms on initial fan start-up, the alarm is delayed for 2 minutes. When the supply air temperature is above the
low limit the alarm is auto reset within the controller.
Alarm 48: Discharge Temperature 1 Sensor Fault
This alarm indicates that the Discharge temperature sensor is not operating correctly. During this alarm the controller will
disable compressors, if enabled. When the sensor is operating normally the alarm will auto resume reset.
Alarm 49: Discharge Temperature 2 Sensor Fault
This alarm indicates that the Discharge temperature sensor is not operating correctly. During this alarm the controller will
disable compressors, if enabled. When the sensor is operating normally the alarm will auto resume reset.
Alarm 50: Fire / Smoke Alarm
This alarm indicates that a Fire/Smoke alarm has occurred and the unit has shutdown. This alarm is manual reset.
Alarm 51: Water Flood Alarm
This alarm indicates that the water has been detected by the unit and the unit has shutdown. This alarm is manual reset.