Cpy board alarms, Precision air conditioning easicool™ezre – Airedale EasiCool 6kW 64kW User Manual

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EasiCool EZRE Operational Manual 7610207 V1.0.0_02_2013







Precision Air Conditioning


This is defaulted to 4500 hours of operation. The cylinder may need cleaning or replacing at this stage.

Alarm 67: High Supply Water Conductivity (EC)

This alarm implies the water entering the humidifier cylinder has high conductivity. If the water continues to have high

conductivity the humidifier will stop production.

Alarm 68: Configuration Parameters Corrupt (E1)

This alarm is associated with the parameters within the CPY when they become corrupted. This will stop the humidifier

from working correctly.

Alarm 69: Internal Error (E0)

This alarm is similar to the alarm 68, it is associated with the internal memory within the device. This will cause

humidification to stop.

Alarm 70: High Current (EH)

This alarm will be active when the CPY detects a high electrode current, a current higher than the maximum limits. The

humidifier will cut power from the electrodes and drain the cylinder.

Alarm 71: Low Steam Production (EP)

The CPY estimates the steam production rate using the current drawn by its electrodes. If this steam production rate is

lower than what it expects this alarm will be activated.

Alarm 72: High Water Level with no Humidification Demand (EU)

This alarm occurs when the humidifier is effectively switched off however there is a high water level within the cylinder.

Usual the result of a faulty fill valve.

Alarm 73: External Control Signal Fault (E3)

This alarm is active when there is no external control signal connected to the CPY Board. This signal can be a 0-10V

connection or a serial connection depending on the circuit setup.

Alarm 74: Lack of Supply Water (EF)

This alarm occurs when the CPY Board tries to add water but the level doesn’t increase within the cylinder. This level is

estimated by the TAM circuit as the current will increase as the water content increases.

Alarm 75: Drain Fault (Ed)

This signals there is a fault with the drain, either the pump has become blocked or is not working correctly.

Alarm 76: Maintenance Time Expired (CY)

This alarm signals that the maintenance time has expired and the cylinder may need cleaning or replacing. The

maintenance period is defaulted to 3000 operating hours.

Alarm 77: Foam in Humidifier Cylinder (EA)

This alarm is active when the CPY Board constantly has its high water level sensor active. This means that there is foam

in the cylinder which keeps triggering a high water level alarm. If the water added to the cylinder is too soft it can cause

the cylinder to foam.

Alarm 78: Humidifier Cylinder Requires Clean (CP)

Lime scale can build up on the electrodes as water is boiled and minerals are left behind. This can limit the amount of

steam being produced, this alarm will be active when the CPY realises this.

Alarm 79: Replace Humidifier Cylinder (CL)

This alarm is active 3 hours prior to the bottle being completely depleted. The Cylinder is full of flakes and cannot

operate to the required standard anymore, it needs replacing.

Alarm 80: CPY Device Offline

When there is no active connection over the serial bus the CPY will pCO will display this alarm.

Alarm 81: Serial Disconnected (Su)

When there is no demand sent over the serial connection this alarm is displayed.