Seametrics FlowInspector User Manual
Page 15

Page 11
eXPorT anD anaLyze DaTa
eXPorTInG THe DaTa for anaLySIS
Sometimes it is desirable to create a spreadsheet using the raw flow readings; data exported to a spreadsheet can
be manipulated to produce a wide variety of reports. With FlowInspector, you can export data in two formats: 1) .csv
(automatically recognized by Excel) or 2) .txt (read by Notepad or convertible to Excel or other spreadsheet programs).
exporting the Day report (i.e., saving it with a different file extension)
1. Start with the main screen open to the graphed data that you want to capture and export.
2. Click Show/Day Report.
3. Click Export button. The FIWORK folder will open to the data file you are working with.
4. The “File Name” box will be auto-filled with a file named according to the convention described earlier, with the
word “day” inserted into the name to indicate “day report”.
5. In the “Save as Type” box at the bottom of the screen, use the arrow to select either .csv or .txt.
[NOTE: In .csv, if the file contains more than 65536 data points (the maximum allowed by Excel), you will receive a pop-up message that your
file is too large. Click OK if you wish to continue exporting the file in full, realizing that when the file is opened in Excel, only the first 65536
records will be there. Alternatively, click CANCEL, use the Averaging Filter to reduce the number of data points in your file, and try exporting
the file again.]
6. Click Save. Your data file is now saved to your computer in the format you chose.
exporting the Graphed Data (i.e., saving it with a different file extension)
1. Start with the main screen open to the graphed data that you want to capture and export.
2. Click on the File/Export menu.
3. The “File Name” box will be auto-filled with a file named according to the convention described earlier.
4. In the “Save as Type” box at the bottom of the screen, use the arrow to select either .csv or .txt.
5. Click Save. Your data file is now saved to your computer in the format you chose.
oPenInG eXPorTeD fILeS
opening .csv files
Open your copy of Excel. Using the Excel File/Open menu, locate your exported .csv file in the FIWORK folder on the C
drive of your computer. Select the file you wish to analyze, click Open. The .csv file will open directly in Excel.
opening .txt files
To open the .txt file in Notepad, locate the file in the FIWORK folder on your C drive; doubleclick on the file name.
To open the .txt file in Excel or another spreadsheet, first open your spreadsheet program. Using the spreadsheet’s
File/Open menu, locate your exported .txt file in the FIWORK folder on the C drive of your computer. Select the file you
wish to analyze, click Open. A Text Import Wizard box will open. You will need to navigate through a series of screens.
The only change you need to make to the defaults on these screens is to select the “Comma” box at one point. Only
experienced spreadsheet users should use the .txt option.
anaLyzInG THe DaTa
The spreadsheet will format in columns (date,
time, flow rate, incremental volume, totalized
volume). All normal spreadsheet functions can be
used on this data, for instance, custom averaging
and oddtime totalization (average flow rate and
multiple by time span). Refer to Excel instruc-
tions on performing various functions. A repre-
sentative spreadsheet page appears at right.