Manage files – Seametrics FlowInspector User Manual
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ManaGe fILeS
SeLeCTInG a fILe To VIew
Unless you have instructed it otherwise, FlowInspector has automatically saved your data in a folder called FIWORK
on your C drive. From the main screen, click on File, then Open. The FIWORK folder will open and you will see all your
data files. Select the file you wish to work with, click Open. When it opens, click on the Show/Original menu to assure
that you are viewing the complete file.
DataLogger #
you assigned
at Set-Up
File Type either
DataLogger (D),
Logging Meter (M),
or Appended (A)
Datalogger file
always .dlf
Date of Data
Increment # (00 except
when multiple files down-
loaded on same date)
aPPenDInG a fILe
Sometimes it is convenient to combine two or more data files from the same Logger to create a single continuous data
set over a long period of time.
The resulting graph contains all the data points from the appended files, with flat lines in the interim periods when no
data was being recorded. At the top of the graph, notice that the Logger number is now followed by a plus sign (+), indi-
cating that this is an appended file.
The newly appended file will be automatically saved in the FIWORK folder, with a new file name that includes the date
of the last appended file, and File Type A (appended). NOTE that it can infrequently happen that appended file names
might duplicate each other; in this case, you can manually change the increment number in the file name. (See Naming
Convention, above.)
If you do not wish to save the Appended file, you may delete it after you are done working with the data. It can always be
recreated as long as you save the original Logger files from which it was constructed. If you do save the Appended file,
you may add another Logger file to it in the future.
1. From a clear graph screen (use File/Clear or the button on the Tool Bar if necessary), click
on File/Open to select the oldest file you wish to combine (either the older date, or if same date,
earlier increment – see file naming convention above). Click Open. The first data set appears as
a graph on your main screen.
2. Now open the next file you wish to combine, using the File/Append menu. Select the file, click
Open. The graph will include both data sets.
3. You may continue to append additional files in the same way. When you have appended all the
files you wish, click on the Show/Original menu to be certain you are viewing the entire file.
naming Convention
Understanding the file naming convention will allow you to
easily select the file you wish to view. See diagram at right.