Seametrics FlowInspector User Manual

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VIew anD PrInT DaTa

Viewing Current Values
If all you need is a quick look at the current status of your
Logger, click Show/Current Data Logger Values to view real-
time flow rates and totals. This feature allows you to read
data in the field without downloading first. See illustration at

Printing Day report
The Day Report can be printed in table form, showing daily
total, daily maximum flow rate, and accumulated total flow to
date. With the Day Report on the screen, click Print Report.

Viewing raw Data Table
To view the raw data that underlies the graphic presentation,
click on Show/Data Logger Info (or the button on the Tool
Bar). This brings up a box that displays the set-up param-
eters (upper left), flow statistics (upper right), and individual
data points (bottom window) over the time period currently
displayed on the graph. Click OK to close window.

[NOTE: The version number on this screen refers to the log-
ging device, not to the FlowInspector software.]

Viewing Day report
The Day Report shows daily flow totals and maximum rates.
Access the screen by clicking on Show/Day Report (or the
button on the Tool Bar). Use the “From” and “To” boxes to
change the time period you wish to view. The data can be
printed or exported as a .csv or .txt file.


Printing Graphed Data
The graphed data from the main screen can be printed using the
File/Print menu or the printer icon on the Tool Bar. This graphic
representation also includes the time period; cycle time; total
flow; and maximum, minimum and average flow rates.