Martel Electronics DMC1410 User Manual
Page 98

documented in the user manual addendum accompanying your
The Wires field appears only for the RTD type. It contains a drop
down list presenting all of the available options for a standard
calibrator. Select the connection option corresponding to the
instrument to be calibrated. If your calibrator contains special
software implementing a non?standard connection option, enter
the text string for it as documented in the user manual
addendum accompanying your calibrator.
Tag Tolerance Tab
Tolerance testing is based on linear percent of range error using
the parameters provided. If enabled, at the end of a calibration
each test point pair is assigned a pass or fail status based on the
actual percent of span error calculated using the low and high
values provided for instrument input and output.
When tolerance testing is disabled, none of the parameters need
to be supplied.
When tolerance testing is enabled, all of the parameters must be
supplied. The instrument input range, the difference between
low and high, must be at least 0.0001.
Tag Test Points Tab
Enter the number of test points and the instrument input test
point values.
Click the Insert button to insert a new value into the middle of the
list of test points. The specified test point value is shifted up one
position, as are all of the values following it, and the specified
test point value is set to zero. The 21st test point is lost.
Click the Delete button to remove a value from the middle of the
list of test points. The specified test point value is lost, and all of
the values following it are shifted down one position. The 21st
test point is set to zero.
Click the Generate button to generate a set of test points in a
predefined scheme. If tolerance testing is enabled the zero and
span for generation are set to the instrument input low and high
from the tolerance tab, otherwise they are set to the minimum
and maximum test point values. The number of points for
generation is set to the present number of points. Alter the
generation parameters as desired, select a scheme, and click
OK to generate a new set.