Martel Electronics BetaGauge 330 User Manual
Page 29

terminal, such as Hyper Terminal, to enter single commands. Typical RS-232 remote
configurations are shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Calibrator-to-Computer Connection
13.2 Setting up the RS-232 Port for Remote Control
Note: The RS-232 connection cable should not exceed 15m unless the load capacitance
measured at connection points is less than 2500pF.
Serial parameter values:
9600 baud
8 data bits
1 stop bit
no parity
EOL (End of Line) character or CR (Carriage Return) or both
The LEM232 cable is used for RS-232 communications from the calibrator to a computer.
If the computer only has USB type ports, a USB to RS-232 converter will be needed.
These can be obtained from most office supply and computer stores. To connect the
calibrator to the computer, attach the LEMO connector end of the cable to the pressure
module port on the right side of the calibrator and the DB-9 connector to the RS-232 port
on the computer. The calibrator should be turned off prior to making the connection and
then turned on.
To set up remote operation of the calibrator on the Windows Hyper Terminal, connected
to a COM port on the PC as in Figure 23, use the following procedure:
Start Hyper Terminal (located in Accessories/Communications of the Windows Start
Select New Connection.
For Name enter Beta 330. Select the serial port that the calibrator is connected to.
Enter the above information for port settings.