The passion people – MAGURA HS33 (2013) User Manual
Page 7
8. Side view of a correctly installed EVO 2 unit. There is mounted, if at all, only one
washer underneath the mounting plate (arrow).
9. Push the slave cylinders towards the rim while adjusting them properly, i.e. parallel to
the rim.
Care for a correct adjustment of the the brake pads that have to be parallel to the rim!
10. Pull slightly the lever blade to push back the slave cylinders and tighten the bolts
when you have a gap of 2mm between rim flanc and brake pads. Please respect the tightening
torques mentioned in paragraph 11.
11. A perfectly mounted MAGURA brake
brake pads parallel to the rim, distance pad/rim 2mm on both sides (see paragraph 16, page
Connection hose between the brake cylinders points inboard, i.e. towards frame/fork
Quick release points up when closed
Respect at any rate the mentioned tightening torques!
12. Check the quick release tension when it is closed. Increase it (q/r lever is firmer to
tighten), if necessary, by turning in the q/r bolt clockwise (tightening torque 4,5 Nm/39 in.
13. EVO 2 booster installation
The side with the wide drill is mounted on the quick release side of the adaptor. Do not forget
the washer under the head of the fitting bolt. Max tightening bolt is 6Nm/51 in.lbs.. On
the opposite side the round drill of the EVO 2 booster just slips over the mounted bolt (See
6 Nm
6 Nm
4,5 Nm
FELGEN 2011 E.indd 7
07.06.2011 17:08:27 Uhr