Fire-Lite MPS-24B/BE/BF Technical Supplement User Manual

Mps-24b/be/bf, Technical supplement

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Technical Supplement

Document 50289 Rev A 5/4/95 ECN 95-219

LED Indicators

Ground Fault (-)
Ground Fault (+)
Battery Fail
AC Power Fail

Supervisory Cable
To optional power supply

Cut R55 to disable
Earth Fault Detection

Cut JP2 to disable the battery
charger when employing the Remote
Battery Charger.

* Cut JP1 to make Four-
Wire Smoke Detector Power
on TB2 Terminals 1 and 2 a
nonresettable circuit.

Four-Wire Smoke Detector/Annunciator Power
+ 24 VDC (20.4-26.4, 200 mV ripple), 200 mA max.
Filtered, regulated and resettable*. Power-limited but
when used for four-wire detectors, must be supervised by
a UL listed Power Supervision Relay.

Notification Appliance power
+ 24 VDC power-limited, RMS-regulated, non-
resettable, 2.0 amps (in alarm) max. Power is
supervised by output module.

This output is not

suitable for powering annunciators!
CAUTION: The +24 VDC provided on TB2 Terminal 3
is power-limited only when used with the minus
return on TB2 Terminal 4.

Do not use the minus

return on TB2 Terminal 2 with the +24 VDC power on
TB2 Terminal 3.





Secondary Power

27.6 VDC, 6.5 to 17 AH. Supervised and power-limited.

Fast charge =750mA max., trickle charge = 20 mA (typ)






Earth Ground
Connect to chassis with a
Grounding Cable Assembly.

Earth Ground

Primary Power

120 VAC, 50/60 HZ, 1.8 amps max.



Power-limited Notification Appliance Power

The +24 VDC regulated, nonresettable power available on TB2
Terminal 3 is power-limited only when used with the minus return on
TB2 Terminal 4.

Do not use the minus return on TB2 Terminal 2 with

the +24 VDC power on TB2 Terminal 3. Refer to the illustration below.