10 trouble monitoring – Fire-Lite CHG-75 Battery Charger User Manual

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Trouble Monitoring

Installation and Configuration

CHG-75 PN 51315:A 08/01/01


2.10 Trouble Monitoring

The CHG-75 charger has three connectors (J1, J2 & J3), a Form-C trouble relay (TB4)
and an SLC (Signal Line Circuit - TB3) which can be used for trouble monitoring by an
FACP. These connections are optional and, therefore, are not required for the proper
operation of the charger. They are, however, necessary when the FACP is required to
indicate a trouble condition for the charger. One or more of the following may be used
to transmit the trouble condition to the FACP:

J1 - Trouble IN (2-pin connector)
Open collector input allows connection to trouble bus from other devices which
are compatible with open collector inputs. This connection allows daisy chaining
of trouble signals through the charger without affecting the charger operation or
activating the local trouble relay.

J2 - Trouble OUT (2-pin connector)
Open collector output allows connection of trouble bus to other devices which
are compatible with open collector outputs. This connection allows daisy
chaining of trouble signals from the Trouble IN connector. A trouble on the
charger will also be transmitted from this connector

J3 - Trouble IN Master (2-pin connector)
This input can receive trouble signals from another device, such as a spare zone,
and will in turn activate the local trouble relay. This input is compatible with an
open collector output from another device

TB4 - Trouble Relay
This fail-safe Form-C Trouble relay will activate when the charger detects a local
trouble, such as AC fail, ground fault (if enabled), low battery, etc., or when a
trouble signal is received at the Trouble IN Master (J7)

TB3 - SLC Connector
A built-in monitor module will create an open circuit condition when any local
charger trouble occurs except for AC fail. If AC is lost, the monitor module will
create a short condition which will be seen by the FACP immediately even if AC
delay is enabled. By addressing and connecting the charger to an addressable
control panel’s SLC, the FACP can be programmed to monitor this built-in
monitor module for activation. Refer to the SLC manual for information on
wiring an SLC loop

Figure 2.16 on page 24 provides an illustration of CHG-75 connector locations and
terminal connections.