0 description, 1 principle of operation, Sample flow diagram duct – Detcon Sensor Duct Mount Kit FP/TP/DM/IR Series User Manual

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1.0 Description

The Detcon Sensor Duct Mount Kit allows a Detcon gas sensor assembly to be mounted so that its sensor is

located inside of an air duct, while its transmitter, located outside the duct, is still accessible for calibration

and other adjustments. This method of installation is much more economical than the typical sample draw

type system that is normally used in such applications. This instruction manual explains the installation, cali-

bration, and maintenance procedures of the duct mount conf iguration. Reference the instruction manual that

came with your Detcon sensor assembly for further information.

1.1 Principle of Operation

In operation, air f low through the duct enters the duct mount chamber through ports facing the oncoming

f low of air. Once inside the chamber the sample passes by the sensor and then exits through similar ports

that face the opposite direction. If any target gas is present in the chamber, the sensor output signals and/or

alarm functions, will respond accordingly as described in the sensor assembly instruction manual.

Detcon Duct Mount Kit PG.2

Sample In Ports

Sample Exit Ports


Duct Mount Chamber

Sample Flow Diagram


Air Flow

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