AW Gear Meters IF Series User Manual

AW Gear Meters Sensors

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VIEG Technical Data







L=64mm; W=58mm; H=37mm

7-29 Volts DC .5mA

8V square wave pulse. Impedance 5.6K Ohms

Voltage pulses of amplitudes 0.5mV - 0.5V. Impedance 100 Ohms.

The IF series inductive pickup and VIEG
amplifier are applied in high temperature
applications beyond the normal operating
range of standard magnetic pickups. The
inductive sensor generates a sinusoidal output
signal with an amplitude between 0.5mV to
0.5V. The VIEG is designed to amplify and
shape this signal providing a square wave
output voltage of 8V pp.

Application of the IF Series Inductive Pickups

The selection of an inductive pickup is recommended when the operating temperature exceeds

176°F/80° C. Operation can be expected up to 360°F/180°C with the standard version and up to

465°F/240°C using the HT version.

Because of the low signal levels involved, the following guidelines should be followed:

Only use braided, shielded cable. The shield should only be connected at the amplifier module as

indicated. The distance between the amplifier and sensor should not exceed 3 meters/10 feet.

• Because of the low signal levels, direct the electronics as far as possible from other

electromagnetic field sources.

• The pickup should be inserted until hand tight, then turned back 1/4rev. Tighten the lock nut to

secure this position.

• The meter can be mounted in any manner, however, every effort should be made to minimize

vibrations. Strong vibrations can have a microphonic effect on the pickup sensor. Flexible

connections will help to reduce pipeline vibrations considerably where this is a concern.

IF Series Inductive Pickup with Amplifier Installation Guide

AW-Lake Company 8809 Industrial Drive, Franksville, WI 53126 Tel. 800-850-6110 Fax. 262-884-9810

Rev 1/2012

[email protected] Doc ID: IF Series w/ VTEG Amp.Ind