U.S. Sunlight SC5-M Solar Controller Module User Manual
U.S. Sunlight Equipment

Table of Contents
1. What is included in this package
2. Tools required
3. Installation instructions
4. Solar Controller settings and operation
Pre-Install Check
Please read the instructions before proceeding with installation. If your Solar Attic Fan has already been installed, please
make sure the Solar Fan is working properly before installing the Solar Controller
Installation and
Operation Guide
Tel: 877-50-USSUN
A Solar Controller Module
B 4 - Mounting Screws
C 2 - 8’ Cables
D AC Power Adapter
What is Included in the Box
Installing Solar Controller
If your Solar Controller came bundled with an attic fan, install the fan first following the instructions included for that
model fan. When the installation of the fan is complete, install Solar Controller. Note that Solar Controller is designed to
work with U.S. Sunlight Solar Attic ventilation products. DO NOT ATTEMPT to connect Solar Controller to other solar fans.
Copyright 2012 US Sunlight Corp, Inc. SC5-M C01 ver 2
Installation with use of House Electricity
Installing Solar Controller with the AC Power Adapter will provide these additional benefits:
4. Extends fan operation into the evening hours
5. Allows fan to operate when no sun is available
6. Intelligently limits the amount of house electricity to be used for adequate ventilation
Standard Installation
When implementing the standard installation, Solar Controller will run only on power generated by the solar panel and will
provide these functions:
1. Reads attic temperature and relative humidity and displays them on the Controller Module.
2. Option to engage or disengage the electronic humidistat and thermostat. Humidistat- Turns the fan on, providing
solar power is available, at or above 75% humidity and off at or below 65% humdity. Thermostat - Turns the fan on,
providing solar power is available, at or above 80oF and off at or below 77oF.
(Note: These functions will be active only when the sun is available to generate electricity from the solar panel)
Solar Controller can be installed with or without the use of house electricity:
Tools Required
- Philips Screwdriver