Tilton 900 Series Balance Bar (98-1251) User Manual
Installation instructions, Series pivot-type balance bar assembly

These instructions are directed toward the use of this balance bar with Tilton pivot-
mount brake pedals. Other applications of this product might require modifications
and adjustments that are not mentioned.
Master cylinDer anD peDal asseMbly installation
1. Select the brake pedal motion ratio (6.25:1, 5.37:1, 4.70:1). They are marked on the
balance bar mount. Make sure that the balance bar mount is firmly against the back
face of the brake pedal and tighten the two fasteners to 72 in-lbs.
3. The balance bar clevises are of two different lengths. The longer clevis is used with
the master cylinder for the front brakes. If you wish to reverse the position of the
clevises do it now.
4. Set the center-to-center distance on the two balance bar clevises at 2.60". A good
place to start is with both clevises equally spaced from the pedal (middle balance
bar position).
5. Remove the long bolt that mounts the three master cylinders. Remove the four mas-
ter cylinder spacers from the frame.
6. Reinstall the two center master cylinder spacers in the frame. A small amount of RTV
will keep the spacers in place during assembly.
7. It is best to install the master cylinders on the pedal assembly before placing the
assembly in the car. Reinstall the mounting bolt through the three master cylinders,
and tighten the nut to 120 in-lbs.
8. Thread the three pushrods in the clevises eight revolutions. This will be .333". Final
pedal position adjustment will be made later.
9. Since the brake pushrods are threaded equal amounts and the clevises have two
different lengths, the balance bar will be at a 5° angle. This is by design and will be
addressed in the Pedal Positioning section below.
10. Mount the pedal assembly into the car. Use of high strength fasteners and safety
wire for the four mounting bolts is recommended.
peDal positioning
1. Thread the clutch master cylinder pushrod in until the desired pedal height is
Keep at least .300" of pushrod threaded into the clevis. Tighten the pushrod locking
2. If your hydraulic release bearing requires the use of a positive stop, a bolt that
threads into
the back of the clutch pedal and a locking nut have been provided. You may need
to use a bolt of a different length. See your hydraulic release bearing instructions for
adjusting the pedal stop.
3. Adjust the brake pedal height by threading both brake master cylinder pushrods in
or out of the clevises equal amounts. Keep at least .300" of pushrod threaded into
the clevises. Tighten the two pushrod locknuts once the proper pedal position is
achieved. The pushrod has two flats to accept a 5/16" wrench.
4. The front master cylinder will require more stroke to operate than the rear once the
system has been bled. After bleeding, check to make sure the balance bar is parallel
with the firewall when the brakes have been applied with the normal wheel locking
force. If not, loosen the locknuts, readjust, and retighten the locknuts.
900-Series Pivot-type Balance Bar Assembly