Start gps survey – solve localization – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 GPS User Manual

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Survey Pro GPS Quick Start Guide


rover receiver, you will proceed directly to the Set Rover

screen. If you choose an Ntrip rover, you are prompted to

select an Ntrip service, then you proceed to the to the Set
Rover screen.

Select Ntrip Service
When using an Ntrip rover, Survey Pro opens the internet
connection, queries the GPS base server for the available

Ntrip services, and displays these services in a list. Pick a
service and tap Connect > to proceed to the Set Rover screen.

Set Rover

Measure the rover antenna height, then tap Set>. The
receiver will be put in RTK rover mode, and will monitor the

data link until it receives the base reference position. Survey
Pro will check the point database for a matching point. If you

are using a remote base, we will find a matching point or

prompt you to store a new point. If you are using the base
station you just set in the previous step, then this check

serves as error detection.
If you have a Recording Interval set, a file will be opened to log
raw GPS data for post processing. This file will be opened for

stop and go sessions, so the antenna heights and point names

will be written to the file simultaneously with each RTK point

Start GPS Survey – Solve Localization
You need to solve a localization adjustment whenever you

start a survey from an autonomous GPS position. Step one is

to use the Control Points screen to collect GPS measurements
on points with known local coordinates. Step two is to use the

Solve Localization wizard to calculate the localization
adjustment parameters. You can also tap Start Now> to
begin surveying right away with a temporary localization
