Base setup, Start gps survey - rover setup – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 GPS User Manual

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Base Setup
Use the Base Setup routine to set an RTK base receiver to

begin broadcasting GPS measurements over the modem data
link, and to configure the base reference position in Survey

Pro. At the Base Setup screen, measure the base antenna

and choose a point for the base station. You can enter a new
point name to start the base from an autonomous position, or

you can enter a point with known coordinates and start the
base on a known location. Tap Next> to set the base.

Set Base at Known Position
If you select an existing point with geodetic coordinates, or if
you have a coordinate system solved and you pick an existing

point where we can compute geodetic coordinates, you can
start the base with a known position. Tap Set to set the base
and configure the reference position in Survey Pro. If you

have a Recording Interval set, a file will be opened to log raw
GPS data for post processing, and the point name and

antenna height will be written to the file for this static


Get Autonomous Position and Set Base
If your base point is a brand new point in this job, or, if it is

an existing point with local (NEE) coordinates but you do not
yet have a valid coordinate system solved, then you can start
the base with an autonomous position. Tap GET Position From

Receiver to get the latest autonomous coordinates (+- 10m) at

the base and use this as the initial reference position in your
survey. Tap Set to set the base and configure the reference
position in Survey Pro. If you have a Recording Interval set, a
file will be opened to log raw GPS data for post processing,
and the point name and antenna height will be written to the

file for this static session.
You will always have to solve a localization adjustment before
collecting data from an autonomous base.

Start GPS Survey - Rover Setup
Once the base is set, or if a remote base is already set and

broadcasting, you can proceed to the Set Rover screen. You

are prompted to connect to a receiver. If you choose an RTK