Mediabridge MWN-WAPR150N User Guide User Manual
Page 33

MWN-WAPR150N Wireless Router v11.8
b. If your computer is wireless, you will need to
manually connect to wireless network that
begins with “Medialink”. (Open the
available wireless networks, click on the
network name that begins with “Medialink”,
click connect). Confirm access to the
internet. (for more details on how to
connect to a wireless network see Section
2.4 on Page 52). If you are able to access
the internet, proceed to Step 18.
c. If you cannot access the internet, your
ISP may require that you clone the MAC
address of your computer to the router.
Follow these steps:
Open an Internet Browser (you won’t have access to
the internet but you just need the browser). In the
address bar of your internet browser, type
then when prompted, enter the
Username: admin Password: admin. In the menu to
the left, Click “Advanced Settings” then Click “MAC
Address Clone”. Click “Clone MAC Address”, Click
“Apply”, then Click “OK” to start the reboot. After the
router reboots, confirm access to the internet.