Installation – Lincoln Electric IM689 K1780-1 Power Feed 10 Robotic User Manual
Page 14

The Power Feed wire feeders are equipped with facto-
ry installed K1500-2 gun connection kits. These kits
are for guns having a Tweco #2-#4 type connector.
The Power Feed 10/R has been designed to make
connecting a variety of guns easy and inexpensive
with the K1500 series of gun connection kits.
Non-Lincoln Guns
Most competitive guns can be connected to the Power
Feed 10/R by using one of the K1500 series adapter
kits, See “Gun Adapters” in ACCESSORIES section.
K489-7 (Dual Schedule Fast-Mate Adapter)
This adapter installs directly into the wire drive feed-
plate, to provide for use of guns with Fast-Mate or
European style gun connections. This K489-7 will
handle both standard Fast-Mate and Dual Schedule
Fast-Mate guns.
K1500-1 (Lincoln Innershield gun standard connec-
Use this kit to connect the following guns: Guns hav-
ing a Lincoln standard innershield gun connector,
Magnum 200/300/400 with K466-1 connector kit, and
Magnum 550 guns with the K613-1 gun connection
K1500-2 (Tweco #2-#4 type connection)
The K1500-2 gun adapter comes factory installed on
the Power Feed 10/R wire feeder. Use this adapter for
guns that have a Tweco #2-#4 connector. Such guns
include Magnum 200/300/400 guns with K466-2 con-
nector kit, and completely factory assembled Magnum
guns that are factory equipped with the K466-2 con-
nector (such as the K471-21, -22, and -23 dedicated
Magnum 400 guns and the K497-20 and -21 Magnum
200 guns).
K1500-3 (Tweco #5 connection)
For Magnum 550 gun with K613-2 Connection Kit,
and any other gun having a Tweco #5 connector .
K1500-4 (Miller connection)
For any gun having a newer style Miller connector.
Install gun adapters per the instructions shipped with it.
K1500-5 (Oxo connection)
For any gun having an Oxo style threaded connector.
Install gun adapter per the instructions shipped with it.
The K1546-1 and K1546-2 Adapter for use with
Lincoln Magnum conduit (K515 or 565) and E-Beam
conduit. The K1546-1 is to be used for wire sizes
(.023 - 1/16), K1546-2 is to be used for wire sizes
(1/16 - .120)
For Magnum conduit:
Install the K1546-1 or K1546-2 adapter at the incom-
ing end of the feed plate, secure with the set screw
located at the back of the feed plate. If a brass fitting
is supplied with the conduit, remove it from the feeder
end of the conduit by unscrewing it. Insert the conduit
into the K1546-1 or K1546-2, secure the conduit by
fastening it the adapter with the supplied knob screw.
For E-Beam Conduit:
Install the K1546-2 gun adapter at the incoming end of
the feed plate, secure with the set screw located at
the back of the feed plate. Insert the conduit into the
K1546-2, secure the conduit by fastening it the
adapter with the supplied knob screw.
The Power Feed10/R should always be operated with
the voltage sense lead (67) attached to the feed plate.
Water Flow Sensor
Water cooled guns can be damaged very quickly if
they are used even momentarily without water flowing.
Recommend practice is to install a water flow sensor
on the water return line of the torch. When fully inte-
grated into the welding system, the sensor will prevent
welding if no water flow is present.
Gas Guard Regulator
The Gas Guard regulator is available as an optional
accessory (K659-1) for Power Feed Robotic wire drive
unit. Install the 5/8-18 male outlet of the regulator to
the proper 5/8-18 female gas inlet on the back panel
of the wire drive. Secure fitting with flow adjuster key
at top.