Operation – Lincoln Electric IM770 IDEALARC CV-525 User Manual
Page 20

There are no provisions on the CV-525 to permit par-
DIODE OPTION (Factory installed only)
The CV-525 Diode option is required to utilize the cold start
and cold electrode sensing features of the NA-3, NA-5 or
NA-5R. When this option is not used with an NA-3, NA-5 or
NA-5R, see the CV-525 / NA-3, CV-525 / NA-5 or CV-525 /
NA-5R connection diagram for instructions on how to dis-
able this circuit. If the circuit is not disabled, the wire cannot
be inched down.
The power source is thermostatically protected with proximi-
ty thermostats against overload or insufficient cooling. One
thermostat is located on the nose of the center bottom pri-
mary coil and a second thermostat is attached to the lead
connecting the secondaries. Both thermostats are connect-
ed in a series with the 2-4 circuit. If the machine is over-
loaded, the primary thermostat will open, the output will be
zero, and the thermal protection light will be on; the fan will
continue to run. The secondary thermostat will open either
with an excessive overload or insufficient cooling. The out-
put will be zero and the protection light will be on; the fan
will continue to run. When the thermostats reset the protec-
tion light will be off.
The power source is also protected against overloads on the
SCR bridge assembly through an electronic protection cir-
cuit. This circuit senses an overload on the power source
and limits the output to 550 amps by phasing back the
Protection is provided to protect the circuitry from
accidental grounds. If the customer accidentally
grounds” 75, 76, or 77 to the positive output lead, the
output will be reduced to a low value, thus preventing
any damage to the machine. If the ground occurs
between 75, 76, 77 and the negative output lead, one
of the PC board “self-restoring” fuses will blow, pre-
venting any machine damage. After the ground is
cleared, the fuses automatically reset within a few
The output of the welder is electronically controlled by
SCR’s instead of mechanical contactors, providing extra
long life for highly repetitive welding applications.
The Control PC Board is located behind the control panel
which hinges down for easy access to the board. The
Snubber PC Board is mounted on the back of the case
front. The feeder interface board and the motor drive
board are located next to the control PC board.
The fan pulls air in through the louvered front of the
machine over the internal parts and exhausts out the lou-
vered rear of the machine. The fan motor is fully
enclosed, has sealed ball bearings, requires no lubrica-
tion, and operates when the power switch is turned on.
The machine depth is 813mm. The low profile case facili-
tates installation of the machine under a workbench and
stacking the machines three high to conserve floor
The case front incorporates a recessed hinged control
panel where all the machine controls are mounted. This
recessed panel protects the controls and minimizes the
possibilities of accidental contact. This control panel can
be easily opened to permit access to the enclosed sec-
tion which PC boards. The output lead terminals are also
recessed to avoid any object or person accidentally com-
ing in contact with an output terminal.
The individual case sides are removable for easy access for
internal service or inspection. These are removable even
though the machines are stacked three high.
The case rear, top section, is equipped with a removable
access panel. This provides easy access to the input con-
tactor, easy connection and reconnection of input leads, and
easy access for service or inspection.
Although the machine is designed for use in rain-sheltered
environments, the transformer and choke assembly are
dipped in a special corrosion resistant epoxy paint.
A permanent lifting hook is located at the top of the machine
and is positioned so that it acts as nearly as possible
through the center of gravity. This lift hook is so positioned
that it fits without interference under the base of the second
machine when stacking.