Accessories, Optional field installed accessories, Warning – Lincoln Electric IM765 Commander 500 User Manual

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K802N POWER PLUG KIT - Provides four 120V plugs rated at 20
each and one dual voltage, full KVA plug rated at 120/240V,
50 amps. 120V plug may not be compatible with NEMA common
household receptacles.

K802-R POWER PLUG KIT - Provides four 120V plugs rated 15
each and one dual voltage, full KVA plug rated at 120/240V,
50 amps, 120V plug is compatible with NEMA common household

K857 25 ft. (7.5 m) or K857-1 100 ft. (30.4 m) REMOTE CON-
- Portable control provides same dial range as the output
control on the welder from a location up to the specified length
from the welder. Has convenient plug for easy connection to the
welder. The COMMANDER 500 CUMMINS is equipped with a
6 pin connector for connecting the remote control.

K704 ACCESSORY SET - Includes 35 feet (10 m) of
electrode cable and 30 feet (9 m) of work cable, head-
shield, work clamp and electrode holder. Cable is rated
at 500 amps, 60% duty cycle.

(K953-1) TRAILER

- Two-wheeled trailer with optional

fender and light package. For highway use, consult applicable
federal, state, and local laws regarding possible additional
requirements. There is a choice of 2 hitches, a fender & a light
package. Order:
K953-1 Trailer
K958-1 Ball Hitch
K958-2 Lunette Eye Hitch
K959-1 Fender & Light Kit
K965-1 Cable Rack

(K957-1) TRAILER

- Two-wheeled trailer for in-plant and

yard towing at speeds under 20 mph only.Order:
K957-1 Trailer
K958-1 Ball Hitch
K958-2 Lunette Eye Hitch
K959-2 Fender & Light Kit
K965-1 Cable Rack

K887-1 ETHER START KIT - Provides maximum cold weath-
er starting assistance for frequent starting below 25





Required Ether tank is not provided with kit. (Cannot be used
with K1858-1 Service Indicator Kit at the same time.)

K1847-1 SPARK ARRESTOR KIT - Easily mounts to standard

K949-2 OIL DRAIN KIT - Includes ball valve, hose and clamp.


K1690-1 (1 Duplex) GFCI Kit - Includes one UL approved
115V ground fault circuit interrupter duplex type receptacle
with cover and installation instructions. Replaces the factory
installed 115V duplex receptacle. The receptacle of the GFCI
duplex is rated at 20 amps, the maximum total current from the
GFCI duplex is limited to 20 amps. Two kits are required.

K1768-2 Dual Output Meters and Gauges - Dual out-
put meters provide preset ability of voltage for wire
welding and current for stick welding. Measures b o t h
current and voltage when welding. Gauges include:
battery ammeter, engine temperature, and engine oil
pressure. Fuel gauge is not available in kit form.

K1816-1 Full KVA Adapter Kit - Plugs into the
120/240v NEMA 14-50R receptacle on case front
(which accepts 4-prong plugs) and converts it to a
NEMA 6-50R receptacle, (which accepts 3-prong

K1858-1 Service Indicator Kit - Provides a GO / NO-GO visu-
al indication of air cleaner element useful service life. Filter ser-
vice based on restriction readings allows the longest life possi-
ble from the filter and best engine protection. (Cannot be used
with K887-1 Ether Start Kit at the same time.)

Pipe Thawing with an arc welder can cause fire,
explosion, damage to electric wiring or to the arc
welder if done improperly. The use of an arc
welder for pipe thawing is not approved by the
CSA, nor is it recommended or supported by
Lincoln Electric.
