Apple Network Setup User Manual
Network setup
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Network Setup
- Contents
- Figures, Tables, and Listings
- About This Manual
- About Network Setup
- Using Network Setup
- Network Setup Reference
- Network Setup Functions
- OTCfgOpenDatabase
- OTCfgCloseDatabase
- OTCfgGetCurrentArea
- OTCfgSetCurrentArea
- OTCfgOpenArea
- OTCfgCloseArea
- OTCfgBeginAreaModifications
- OTCfgCommitAreaModifications
- OTCfgAbortAreaModifications
- OTCfgIsSameAreaID
- OTCfgGetAreaName
- OTCfgSetAreaName
- OTCfgGetAreasCount
- OTCfgGetAreasList
- OTCfgCreateArea
- OTCfgDuplicateArea
- OTCfgDeleteArea
- OTCfgGetEntitiesCount
- OTCfgGetEntitiesList
- OTCfgIsSameEntityRef
- OTCfgCreateEntity
- OTCfgDeleteEntity
- OTCfgDuplicateEntity
- OTCfgGetEntityLogicalName
- OTCfgGetEntityName
- OTCfgSetEntityName
- OTCfgGetEntityArea
- OTCfgChangeEntityArea
- OTCfgOpenPrefs
- OTCfgClosePrefs
- OTCfgGetPrefsSize
- OTCfgGetPrefs
- OTCfgSetPrefs
- OTCfgGetPrefsTOCCount
- OTCfgGetPrefsTOC
- OTCfgGetDefault
- OTCfgDeletePrefs
- OTCfgGetTemplate
- OTCfgEncrypt
- OTCfgDecrypt
- OTCfgInstallNotifier
- OTCfgRemoveNotifier
- Notification Callback Routine
- Network Setup Structures and Data Types
- CfgDatabaseRef
- CfgAreaID
- CfgEntityRef
- CfgEntityInfo
- CfgEntityAccessID
- CfgPrefsHeader
- CfgResourceLocator
- CfgSetsStruct
- CfgSetsElement
- CfgSetsVector
- Network Setup Constants
- Result Codes
- Network Setup Protocol Structures and Data Types
- Protocol Structures
- OTCfgTCPInterfacesUnpacked
- OTCfgTCPInterfacesPacked
- OTCfgTCPInterfacesPackedPart
- OTCfgTCPDNSServersList
- OTCfgTCPLocks
- OTCfgTCPRoutersList
- OTCfgTCPRoutersListEntry
- OTCfgTCPSearchDomains
- OTCfgTCPSearchList
- OTCfgTCPUnloadAttr
- OTCfgRemoteAlternateAddress
- OTCfgRemoteApplication
- OTCfgRemoteARAP
- OTCfgRemoteClientLocks
- OTCfgRemoteClientMisc
- OTCfgRemoteConnect
- OTCfgRemoteDialAssist
- OTCfgRemoteDialing
- OTCfgRemoteIPCP
- OTCfgRemoteLCP
- OTCfgRemoteLogOptions
- OTCfgRemotePassword
- OTCfgRemoteServer
- OTCfgRemoteServerPort
- OTCfgRemoteTerminal
- OTCfgRemoteUserMode
- OTCfgRemoteX25
- OTCfgModemGeneral
- OTCfgModemApplication
- OTCfgModemLocks
- OTCfgATalkGeneral
- OTCfgATalkGeneralAARP
- OTCfgATalkGeneralADSP
- OTCfgATalkGeneralASP
- OTCfgATalkGeneralATP
- OTCfgATalkGeneralDDP
- OTCfgATalkGeneralNBP
- OTCfgATalkGeneralPAP
- OTCfgATalkGeneralZIP
- OTCfgATalkLocks
- OTCfgATalkNetworkArchitecture
- OTCfgATalkPortDeviceType
- OTCfgIRGeneral
- Protocol Constants and Other Data Types
- Masks for the kOTCfgProtocolOptionsPref Preference
- OTCfgTCPConfigMethod
- ARA Per-Connection Preferences Types
- ARA Global Preference Types
- OTCfgRemotePPPConnectScript
- OTCfgRemoteProtocol
- OTCfgRemoteLogLevel
- OTCfgRemoteDialMode
- OTCfgRemoteAnswerMode
- OTCfgRemoteNetworkProtocol
- OTCfgRemoteNetAccessMode
- Modem Global Preference Types
- OTCfgModemDialingToneMode
- Per-connection AppleTalk Preference Types
- Global AppleTalk Preference Types
- OTCfgIRPortSetting
- Glossary
- Index