Apple Mac OS X Server (Version 10.6 Snow Leopard) User Manual

Page 89

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Chapter 5

Installation and Deployment


This is usually the first eight characters of the server’s built-in hardware serial number.
For more information about this password, see “About Server Serial Numbers for
Default Installation Passwords”
on page 90.

To access the computer with VNC:


Start the target computer from the Install DVD for Mac OS X Server v10.6 or later.

The procedure you use depends on the target server hardware.
To learn more about startup disk options, see “About Starting Up for Installation” on
page 84.


Use your VNC viewer software to open a connection to the target server.

If you do not know the IP address or DNS name of the target server, you must identify
it first. For more information about this process, see “Identifying Remote Servers When
Installing Mac OS X Server
” on page 90.


For the password, enter the default password for installation.

This is usually the first eight characters of the server’s built-in hardware serial number.
For more information about this password, see “About Server Serial Numbers for
Default Installation Passwords”
on page 90.
If you’re using Apple Remote Desktop as a VNC viewer, enter the password but don’t
specify a user name.

To access the computer using Screen Sharing:


Locate and select the server in the Shared section of a Finder window sidebar.

If the remote server isn’t listed in the Shared section of a Finder window
sidebar, you can connect by choosing Go > Connect to Server and then entering
vnc://serveraddress, where serveraddress is the DNS name or IP address of the server
whose screen you want to share.


Select the remote server and click Share Screen in the Finder window.


For the password, enter the default password for installation.

This is usually the first eight characters of the server’s built-in hardware serial number.
For more information about this password, see “About Server Serial Numbers for
Default Installation Passwords”
on page 90.
Don’t specify a user name.

To access the computer with SSH:


Start the target computer from the Install DVD for Mac OS X Server v10.6 or later.

The procedure you use depends on the target server hardware.
To learn more about startup disk options, see “About Starting Up for Installation” on
page 84.