Chapter 3: administration tools, Server admin, Opening and authenticating in server admin – Apple Mac OS X Server (Version 10.6 Snow Leopard) User Manual
Page 38: Chapter 3: administration tools, 38 server admin 38, Administration tools

Manage Mac OS X Server using graphical applications or
command-line tools.
Mac OS X Server v10.6 administration applications must be run from either
Mac OS X Server v10.6 or Mac OS X v10.6.
Server Admin
You use Server Admin to administer services on Mac OS X Server computers. Server
Admin also lets you specify settings that support multiple services, such as creating
and managing SSL certificates, manage file sharing, and specifying which users and
groups can access services.
The version of Server Admin included with Mac OS X Server v10.6 can be used to
administer the latest version of Mac OS X Server v10.5. However, the current version of
Server Admin isn’t compatible with administering DNS service or manage certificates
in Mac OS X Server v10.5. Use the version of Server Admin that came with Mac OS X
Server v10.5 on a computer running Mac OS X Server v10.5 or Mac OS X v10.5.
Information about using Server Admin to manage services appears in the individual
administration guides and in onscreen information accessible by using the Help menu
in Server Admin.
Opening and Authenticating in Server Admin
Server Admin is installed in /Applications/Server/, from which you can open it in the
Finder. Or you can open Server Admin by clicking the Server Admin icon in the Dock
or clicking the Server Admin button on the Workgroup Manager toolbar.
To select a server to work with, enter its IP address or DNS name in the login dialog
box or click Available Servers to choose from a list of servers. Specify the user name
and password for a server administrator, then click Connect.
Administration Tools