Using the historical performance data api, Fibre channel routing, Handling errors – Brocade Network Advisor REST API Guide (Supporting Network Advisor 12.3.0) User Manual

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Brocade Network Advisor REST API Guide


Using the Historical Performance Data API


Using the Historical Performance Data API

You can use the URIs provided by the Historical Performance Data API to retrieve historical
performance data for ports, switches, and flows based on a measure.

Fibre Channel Routing

This section describes important aspects of Fibre Channel Routing (FCR) setup.

All the URIs related to fabrics, switches, ports, end devices, connections, and connected ports are

The Backbone and Edge fabrics are returned in the fabric URIs (refer to



The FC switches including the Front and Xlate phantom switches are returned in the switch URIs
(refer to

“FC Switch”

). The type parameter in FcSwitch contains the values 40 and 41 for the Front

and Xlate phantoms, respectively.

The FC ports, including the ports on the phantom switches, are returned in the port URIs (refer to


). Front phantom switches are created in the Edge fabric for every EX-port connection to

the Backbone. Xlate phantom switches are created in the Edge fabric for every other Edge fabric
from which an end device is imported.

Within each Edge fabric, the Front phantom is connected to an Xlate phantom and a real switch
(one connected to the BB via the EX-port) in the fabric. The Front phantom port, which connects to
the real switch in the Edge fabric, has a WWN that is the same as the EX-port in the Backbone
fabric. So, in order to make the Front phantom port key unique, it is prefixed with FF.

Similarly the Xlate phantom port keys are prefixed with XF. These connections are E-port to E-port
ISLs and are returned in the connection URIs (refer to

“ISL Connections”

). The connected switch

ports to the Front phantom port can also be retrieved by the connected switch port URIs (refer to



The imported devices in an Edge fabric are returned in the end device URIs (refer to

“End devices”


These imported devices are connected to the Xlate phantom via end device connections (refer to

“ISL Connections”


The connected end device ports to the Xlate phantom port can also be retrieved by the end device
port URIs (refer to



The physical connection between a switch in the Backbone and a switch in the Edge is an
Inter-Fabric link and this is returned via the IFL URIs (refer to

“ISL Connections”

). These IFLS are

visible only when all the Backbone and Edge fabrics are discovered. The complete FCR topology
can only be returned when all Backbone and Edge fabrics are discovered.

Handling errors

The exception for all REST errors is RSException. This exception contains an integer error code and
a string error message. The exception is a string of the following format:

RSException [errorCode=, errorMsg=]

REST operations are HTTP requests, so the execution of an operation returns an HTTP status code.