Atx-2 calibration – MAHLE RTI ATX-2PS User Manual
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ATX-2 Calibration
The ATX-2 is a high-tech, electronically controlled machine for exchanging transmission fluid. The
ATX-2 is connected in series with the transmission fluid flow at the cooler hose. The vehicle
transmission pump then pumps used fluid into the ATX-2 used fluid tank and the ATX-2 pumps new
fluid to the transmission from the tank of new fluid in the ATX-2. Transmission pumps vary in their flow
rate from vehicle manufacturer to manufacturer. This requires that the ATX-2 monitor the old fluid
coming from the transmission and then pump new fluid back to the transmission at the same rate.
The used and new fluid tanks in the ATX-2 each sit on a weight scale (load cell). The increasing weight
of used fluid is monitored by the electronic controller which in turn controls the speed of the ATX-2
pump which is pumping new fluid to the transmission.
So, the function of the ATX-2 is to pump new fluid into the transmission as the transmission pumps out
used fluid at a rate that will keep the transmission fluid level consistent. Not too much and not too little.
This occurs with the design of the ATX-2 in a near-perfect world. So, what is the real world?
Real world conditions must be considered:
1) Not all new transmission fluids weigh exactly the same. They are very close.
2) Old transmission fluids can have different weights. Very old fluid can have a lot of solids
suspended in the fluid and be very heavy.
3) Not all transmissions pump or control the flow of fluid in the same way. Some are very slow.
Others cycle the flow of fluid off and on to the cooling lines dependent on the temperature
of the fluid. Both of these examples might make the technician think the ATX-2 is not
operating correctly because it takes so long to do the exchange. The procedure can be
speeded up by accelerating the engine to 2000 RPM during the exchange.
These real world inconsistencies are expected and therefore the add or remove ½ quart feature was
built into the ATX-2.
Slots are provided on the sides of the ATX-2 so that the technician can see the fluid levels in the tanks.
The scales next to the slots approximately indicate the number of quarts in the tanks. The only
purpose of these slots is to give the technician an idea of when the used fluid tank might need to be
emptied or how many bottles of new fluid to bring from the supply room to fill the new fluid tank.
Calibration of BOTH load cells is required when:
1. REMOVE USED FLUID flashes and three beeps are heard when trying to select amount of fluid
to be exchanged. The level of fluid in the used fluid tank is observed to be such that the tank is not
full or would not fill to capacity during an exchange procedure. For example, 8 QUARTS is pressed
and there is obviously room in the used fluid tank to accept 10 or more quarts.
2. ADD NEW FLUID flashes and three beeps are heard when trying to select amount of fluid to be
exchanged. For example, 8 QUARTS is pressed and more than 10 quarts of fluid can be seen in
the new fluid tank.
3. REMOVE USED FLUID flashes continuously.
4. ADD NEW FLUID flashes continuously.
5. The control board is replaced for any reason.