2 measurement input functions, Measurement input functions -3 – Yokogawa DR240 User Manual
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IM DR231-01E
Measurement Input Functions
Input Type
DC Voltage
Measurements can be done after selecting the measurement range per channel. The minimum
range is 20mV, the maximum range is 50V.
Measurements can be done after selecting the type of thermocouple per channel. The available
types are R, S, B, K, E, J, T, L, U, N, W and KPvsAU7FE.
Reference Junction Compensation (RJC) can be set to either use Internal RJC (INT) or External
RJC (EXT) per channel.
Burnout function can be set OFF per channel or it can be selected in which direction the trend line
will move if burnout occurs (right or left)
Resistance Temperature Detector
Measurements can be done after selecting the type of resistance temperature detector (RTD) per
channel. The available 17 types are Pt100(1mA), Pt100(2mA), JPt100(1mA), JPt100(2mA),
Pt50(2mA), Ni100(1mA)SAMA, Ni100(1mA)DIN, Ni120(1mA), J263*B, Cu10GE, Cu10L&N,
Cu10WEED, Cu10BAILEY, Pt100 (1mA) high resolution, Pt100 (2mA) high resolution, JPt100
(1mA) high resolution and JPt100 (2mA) high resolution.
Contact Input
The type of contact input can be selected from voltage level input or contact input, and recording
can be set ON or OFF per channel. In case of the voltage level input a voltage level up to 2.4V
results in recording OFF, whereas a voltage level of 2.4V or more results in recording ON.
AC Voltage/Current
The effective voltage, effective current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency,
power factor and phase angle can be measured. The measuring range is common to all terminals.
The input terminals of the module with this input mode are not consistent with a setup screen in
terms of the channel number.
Skipping Input Channels
This function allows skipping measurement, recording and display of channels you are not using.
Measurement, recording and display will not be done for the skipped channels.
Reference Junction Compensation (RJC)
This function is to be used when measuring temperatures using thermocouples. The voltage
generated by a thermocouple depends on the temperature of the spot of measurement and the
reference junction temprature. Reference junction compensation is a function which compensates
the temperature at the side of the measurement instrument to 0 degrees C.
To compensate for the environmental temperature an internal circuit can be selected, or
compensation by a fixed compensation voltage value (external) can be set.