Yokogawa DR240 User Manual
Page 195

IM DR231-01E
Saving/Reading Measured,
Computed and Set-up Data
Measured/computed data in the internal RAM disk is converted to ASCII data, then copied to a
floppy disk. The identifier is .CSV.
Conversion channel (COPY CH)
Used to select a channel whose data is to be converted to ASCII data.
The measurement and computation channels are arranged in order, as shown below:
001, 002, . . ., 020, A01, A02, . . ., A30.
Setting "020-A02," for example, converts data on channels 020, A01 and A02.
DR231/241: 001, 002, . . ., 030, A01, A02, . . ., A30.
Setting "030-A02," for example, converts data on channels 030, A01 and A02.
Conversion data (COPY DAT)
Used to specify the conversion range for the channels specified by COPY CH. Enter the
conversion start data No. and end data No.
Data size
When measured/computed data is converted to ASCII data, 12 bytes will be used for each data
set. Thus, data size can be calculated as follows.
Data size = 178 + 20 x number of conversion channels - 2 + (24 + 12 x number of conversion
channels -1) x number of data sets to be converted
Copying is not possible if destination’s memory size is insufficient.
• When a file is copied to a floppy disk, the file creation date will be replaced by the date on which the file
is copied.
11.6 Copying in ASCII Format