Yokogawa DR240 User Manual
Page 172

IM DR231-01E
Time to Make Report (START TIME)
Set the time to make a report in the format day of month : time. Define the day of month field
within a 01-28 range and the time field within a 00-23 range.
Hourly reports:
The DR recorder makes reports every hour on the hour (1:00, 2:00, . . ., 23:00, 24:00). For
cumulative summation, it resets the cumulative sum at a preset time.
Daily reports:
The DR recorder makes reports at a preset time or times. For cumulative summation, it resets the
cumulative sum at the preset time of a day.
Monthly reports:
The DR recorder makes reports at a preset time of the day.
Report Channels
There are sixty report channels, from R01 to R60 (DR231/DR241) or thirty report channels, from
R01 to R30 (DR130). You can assign channels for measuring objects being computed or
computation channels and the type of computing on a report-channel basis. When making a
report of computed data, let computing start before letting the report making start.
Types of Computing
Menu Item
Data Item for Computing
Instantaneous value at the time of making report
Average, maximum and minimum over the computing period
Sum and cumulative sum over the computing period
Sum and Cumulative Sum
The total sum over an hour for hourly reports, the sum over a day for daily
reports or the sum over a month for monthly reports. The DR recorder resets
this value each time it makes any of these reports.
Cumulative sum:The total sum up to the preset time to make a report in the case of hourly
reports or the sum up to a preset time of the day to make a report in the case of
daily reports. The DR recorder resets this value at each preset time or at each
preset time of the day for report making. The DR recorder does not perform
cumulative summation for monthly reports.
As an example, the following illustrates the process of summation and cumulative summation for
hourly reports. The example shows the case where the preset time to make a report is 8:00.
Results of
Time to make an hourly report
Cumulative summation
Preset time to make report
Unit of Summation (SUM UNIT)
Such input data items as the flowrate that have a unit in /sec, /min, /hour or /day, when simply
summed, give results of computing different from their actual values. This occurs because the
unit of such a data item differs from that of the measurement interval. In that case, you can take
the output after having converted the unit of summation so it matches that of the input data item
Unit of Input (Preset Unit)
Conversion Formula
INTVL (no conversion)
∑ (measured data values)
/ s e c
∑ (measured data values) × measurement interval
/ m i n
∑ (measured data values) × measurement interval/60
/ h o u r
∑ (measured data values) × measurement interval/3600
/ d a y
∑ (measured data values) × measurement interval/86400
10.12 Working with the Report Function